Shawn Hunter- Thirteen years

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"Knock knock" I call, opening the door to the Matthews apartment.

"Hey Aunt Y/n!" Auggie says running to me

"Hey Augs!" I set the tray of cookies I brought on the coffee table, crouching down to his level "Have you grown since the last time I saw you?"

"No" He giggles "You saw me this morning"

"Oh you're right" I grin

I send a quick hello to the Corys parents and Josh as I stand up.

I take the cookies to the kitchen, sitting at the table, watching Topanga twirl here and there.

"Need any help Topanga?" I ask

"No, I think I got it" She stops moving and smiles at me.

"Who's all coming to dinner?" I fold my arms and put them on top of the table.

"Well most of them are already here, Corys parents, Josh, Us" She says "Shawn."

The last name was a whisper "I'm sorry, who?"

"You still never talked to him, did you?"

"That's irrelevant" 

"Actually, considering he'll be here any second it's actually really relevant." 

I sigh, running my hands over my face "No, I haven't talked to him since..."

"Since when?"

"Oh its only been a few days..."

"How many?"

"...How many days has Riley been alive?"

"You're joking."


"Riley, I'm sorry, I just don't think this mysterious uncle Shawn actually exist" I hear Maya Hart say

"Aunt Y/n, tell her he exists" Riley says

I turn around in my seat and face the girls.

"Aunt Y/n, We all know he doesn't" Maya says.

Even though I'm not actually any of their aunts they still like to call me that, not that I'm complaining.

"Sorry to tell ya Maya but he does" 

"Still don't believe it" She grabs Riley by the wrist and takes her back to Rileys room.

I turn back facing Topanga "Please just be nice to him when you see him" She requests

"No promises." 

"Man, Cor, I thought you'd be happier to see me" That all too familiar voice says


"SHAWN!" Cory yells

I just want to go crawl in a hole, and die. I mean it's been years.... It's been almost two decades.... That's a lie, it's been Closer to one but the principles the same.

"And who might this be?"

Topanga gives Shawn a hug as I turn around.

I clear my throat "Hey Shawn"

"Y/n?" He asks "Oh my god"

I nod at him then turn around again.


I've successfully avoided Shawn all evening... Up until now...

"Y/n... Can I talk to you in the hall?" Shawn asks

"I-" I look at Topanga, who's nodding for me to go.

I sigh, standing up.

I walk into the hall, not bothering to wait for him.

I lean on the wall across from their door, crossing my arms.

"Uh, Um, you look good." He says

"Yeah, you too" I respond.


"Shawn, is there a reason-"

"Why did we end things?"

"Why did we end things?" I repeat "We ended things because unlike you I wasn't ready to start a fa-"

"Well I mean, I know why, but I mean why?"

"Because, I wasn't ready to be a wife, and then a mom. You were ready to be a husband and a dad. I didn't want to hold you back."

He runs a hand through his hair like he always used to. "I wish we hadn't ended things."

"Yeah, me too..."

"Well I mean, it's not too late."

I furrow my eyebrows at him "What do you mean?"

"If you're not seeing anyone, do you maybe want to go out sometime?" 

I look away briefly then look back at him "I'd like that very much"

"Or," He says, walking to me and leaning down "You know, we could just pick up where we left off?"

"It's been thirteen years..."


"You're right"

"So whaddya say?"

"I say... sure"

Our lips met in a rough yet passionate kiss that neither of us wanted to end.

"Ehem" A voice says

We break apart, seeing Cory and Topanga standing there.

"I take it you two made up?" Topanga says

We both nod and he wraps an arm around my waist.

"Just like it was meant to be." Cory grins

Cory and Topanga walk back in and Shawn moves to follow.

But I pull his hand back "Shawn-" I say "I'm sorry for how I acted... And for ignoring you for thirteen years..."

"Hey, it doesn't matter, all that matters is that the world is back to how it's supposed to be" He smirks

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