River Phoenix- July Part: two

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The answer that was given to the question was "I don't know…" After Y/n told River that, she grabbed her keys and rushed out of the house. She hurried to her car.

After backing out of the driveway, She drove. She didn't know where she was driving to, but she just drove.

She stopped her car once she pulled into a parking space. She got out of the car, locking it before she walked through the gate.

She walked down the Isle, stopping once she saw the familiar headstone. "Hey Matty…" She knelt down infront of the space. "It's been a while."

She sniffed. "I got a great career opportunity, and I, uh, don't know if I should take it or not… I mean, I kinda want to, but I also want to spend the rest of my life with River… you know that though."  She chuckled quietly

"Remember that one time, you told River that if anything was to happen to you, he was in charge of me?" She smiled softly "He's doing a great job."

"I don't want to leave him…" The rain was soaking through Y/n's outfit, rain dripping down her face, mixing with tears.

"I know if you were here… you'd tell me to go… but you'd want me to stay..." Y/n looked up, closing her eyes. "He won't even tell me what he'd like me to do…"

"I know River loves me, and he would do anything for me… if it were him and he asked me to stay… I would…" Y/n stood up, backing up before breaking out in a jog towards her car.

She got in and headed straight home. When she got there, she honked the horn a few quick times, not caring it was almost one thirty in the morning or that neighbors were sleeping.

When she parked, River was already standing outside, shielded from the rain by the porch roof.

She got out and ran up to him. Wrapping her arms around his neck. The water that absorbed in her clothes, soaked into his. River put his arms around her as she leaned back. "River, you love me… and I love you and I know that if you were to have this opportunity and asked me if I wanted you to stay or go, I'd ask you to stay. It's selfish, I know but it's what I would have done. I've done some thinking, and you're not selfish River. You're the farthest thing from selfish, you're so selfless it can be nauseating."

She said all this in one breath and while River wanted to interrupt her rambling, he didn't know what to say.

"But that's beside the point, you didn't want to ask me to stay because you want me to do what I feel like doing not doing what I feel coerced to do. That's why… I'm staying. I'm going to pass the opportunity, stay here and grow old with you because the thought of doing that makes me happier than I have ever felt."

River smiled, chuckling quietly as he leaned down, gently kissing Y/n. "You are a spastic little thing, you know that right?" He asked quietly.

"Yeah, so I've been told."

"Are you sure you want to stay…" He wanted to make sure she was sure.

"Yes. I am one hundred and twenty percent sure that I want to spend the rest of my life right here with you."

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