Jason Bateman

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For Kimberly1612, sorry it took so long!!!

Y/f/m - Your favorite milkshake flavor

Three weeks ago

Y/n and Justine walked into Justine's house, tossing their bags onto an empty chair. They both walked into the kitchen, where Y/n leaned against the counter.

"Want something to drink?" Justine asked as she opened the fridge, looking through the contents of it.

"Sure, a water would be nice."

Justine grabbed two water bottles and handed one to the other girl, before she placed hers on the counter. "I'm going to change, I'll be right back, okay?"

Y/n nodded at her, opening the bottle of water. She took a sip as Justine left, leaving her alone… at least she thought. 

A voice sounded behind her, startling her slightly, but she kept her composure. "You must be on of my sister's friends. I'm Jason, it's nice to meet you."

He had walked around the counter, standing across from Y/n as he extended his hand. "Y/n."

"Well, that name is stunning, just like you."

Y/n rolled her eyes, not being able to contain a small smile. "I'm aware of both those things. But if you're fishing for a return compliment, I guess you aren't that hard to look at."

"I'm confused on whether or not to be offended, so I'm just going to say thank you."

Three weeks later

"Are you sure you don't mind me going out on a date with your brother?" Y/n turned to ask Justine after slipping on her blouse.

"I really don't mind, Y/n. He's nice, a bit egotistical which is why I can't believe you agree to go out with him, but regardless, he's nice."

Y/n laughed quietly, slipping on her shoes. "To be honest, I don't know why I agreed to go on a date with him either-"

"Because you likeeee him." She held out like, being very exaggerating.

Y/n rolled her eyes. "Shut up." She said, only meaning it playfully. A knock sounded at Justine's bedroom door.

"It's Jason, call me when you get home. I want to hear everything."  Justine grinned before walking over to the door.

Jason stood there, leaning against the doorframe. "Well, don't you look lovely, Y/n."

"Thank you, you look quite dashing yourself."  Y/n walked over towards him, taking his arm which he had extended for her.

They walked out to his car, and set out for their date. He drives to a small café, parking once they arrived.

He got out, opening her door. They walked in and sat down. When it came time to order, Y/n was pleasantly surprised to find out that Jason allowed her to order for herself as opposed to the other guys who she went out with that ordered for her.

Time passed quickly, as they laughed and talked and laughed some more. Stories were being told, jokes and dreams.

After they finished eating, Jason sighed, leaning back. "What's your favorite milkshake flavor."

"Probably Y/f/m."

"What a coincidence, its is mine as well." He smiled. When the waitress came over, he ordered two milkshakes of that flavor.

After they finished them, he paid and they left. When they pulled up to her house she looked at him. "I really enjoyed tonight."

"So did I, we should definitely go out again."

"I agree, we definitely should." Y/n smiled, as she looked into his eyes.

His eyes glanced down at her lips briefly before he leaned close, placing his on hers. The kiss was short, but sweet.

Y/n pulled away, smiling slightly as she opened the car door. "I'll see you around Jason." She winked at him before walking up to her front door.

Little did either of them know, that was the first of many other dates.

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