Chapter 2~ Introductions

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💙Lance💙3rd Person💙

The first thing Lance felt when he woke up was a horrible pain in his head.

He was in some kind of cell. His usual clothes were replaced by a black skin tight suit and a ripped byzantine {its a color look it up} ripped shirt on top.

The events from last night came rushing back.

💙Flash back💙

Lance opened his eyes slightly still feeling groggy, he was on the ground being dragged by an unfamiliar Galra.

"Good job Yorak, You not only managed to capture a Paladin but rendered it useless as well" He heard an all too familiar Commander Sendak tell the Galra holding him.

"Thank you Commander" The Galra, Yorak, said before Lance passed out again


Lance looked through the bars of the cell only to see the Galra that had captured him standing outside

❤️Yorak❤️3rd person❤️

Yorak heard rustling from inside the cell, telling him the prisoner was awake.

"Glad to see your awake"

"Where am I?! Who are you?!" The Paladin called from the cell.

"None of thats important." he called back, he was told not to tell the prisoner anything that could expose vital information.

"Yeah, whatever..."

"You will be needed for questioning later today, we will know if your lying so there is no point"

Just then another guard came up to him.

"The General needs the prisoner in the command room" The solider told him before leaving.

You guys don't know how many times I type 'I' instead of 'Him'. I have so many ideas for this story and I'm really excited to see how it turns out, till next time!

Stay whelmed!


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