Chapter 20~ Home

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"Y'know, human you is pretty short"

"He's literally like a kip shorter than you"

"Yeah but he's like a head shorter than you"

"Thats because he's a human, Galra are supposed to be tall"

"But still he's tiny" Keith rolled his eyes and looked back at the stars. The two of them didn't really have anything to do so they went to the observatory and just cuddled, looking at the stars.

"Hey Lance?"

"Yeah Keef?"

"You think the us in this reality like eachother?"

"I don't know, pretty sure they hate eachother"

"You wanna find out?"

"I'll get Keith, you get Lance" Lance suggested, as he stood up and stretched.

"Shouldn't I get Keith and you get Lance since we're the same people"

"Nah, It'll be more fun"

"Okay then... meet in our room after"

"Count on it"


Keith was sitting in his room looking at his knife when there was a knock on the door, he quicking put his knife under his pillow and opened the door.

"Which one are you"


"Okay good, whats up?" Keith sat back down on his bed, Blue joining him

"How do you feel about Lance?"


"Oh hey Yorak whats up?"

"I just have a quick question to ask you"


"That means go ahead right? I remember Lance saying something like that and I almost shot him"

"Yeah it means go ahead"

"Do you 'like' like Keith?"


"Y-Yeah I do..."


"I do but... I also like Allura... is that normal?"

"Um... I don't know if this'll help but... My Shiro once told me... if you love two people, stick with the second one... because if you really loved the first person, you wouldn't have fallen for the second one" (Thats actually some good advice :3)

A little bit later


Keith and Lance mad their way back to the bedroom the two of them were staying in. They both told eachother what had happened. They spent the next couple hours just being a cute couple, that was until Pidge told them she had found a way to get them back home. It was complicated but it worked and before they knew it they were back home

Sorry if this chapter is horrible I just had no motivarion. I'M SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING IN 2 MONTHS SJWHYUWYGE Also I kinda just had ZERO ideas on how to finish the chapter so I kinda just ended it like that, sorry guys! Anyways I'm out of school til september and I have the whole story planned out so hopefully I'll be able to upload more. Till next time,

Stay whelmed!


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