Chapter 17~ Together

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(Im ALIVEEE... KINDA Also I'm gonna start putting songs that match the theme of the chapter at the top, if you want you can listen to them idrc)


Keith walked out of the bedroom with a newfound determination. He now knew what these foreign emotions were, and who had caused them.

It was time to confront them... (KEITH WHY THE HELL ARE YOU SO CONFIDENT... Oh wait I'm making him like this.... WeLp)


Lance was panicking.

Why did he agree to stay? He could have just said no! Keith wasn't in his right mind, he was probably half asleep!

'Why are you so stupid Lance? He doesn't like you back! He only see's you as a friend' He mentally scolds himself.

He was pacing his room, until he heard a knock at the door. Lance quickly composed himself and opened the door.

❤💙Klance💙❤ (Y'all already know whats bouta go down)


The door opened to reveal a nevous Keith "Hey Lance... can we talk?"

"Yeah... I need to tell you something too"

The two males sat on the bed in silence until it was finally broke.

"You can go first" They both said in sync.

"No you can!"

"I said you!"

They both began laughing at how perfectly in sync they were speaking.

"No but seriously... I want to know what you have to say, go ahead" The galran said, managing to tone down his laughter.

'Okay Lance you can do this! Just get it over with... you'll still be friends if he rejects you right? But then it'll be awkward! Okay! Enough procrastinating!' Lance mentally prepared himself... he was ready, wasn't he?

"I....'like' like you keith"

"Lance I-" Keith had no time to reply has Lance planted his lips onto his. The Galran's face reddened, eyes widening. They slowly closed and the blush left, leaving only the need for Lance, arms wrapping around the other boys neck. Neither of them wanted to pull away but the need for oxygen became too strong to ignore.

The two lovers smiled, staring into the opposites eyes, foreheads pressed together. Out of nowhere; the human boy jumped back his face an embarrassed blushy mess.

"IMSOSORRYIMSORRYSORRYSORRYSORRYYYYYY! I didn't mean to! I just got caught up an-"

"Lance it's okay... I-.....I liked it..."

"You did?"

"Y-Yeah.... I like you too" Keith's face reddened "At least I think I do... I spoke with Shiro and he said I did... Oh jeez I'm so bad with emotions!"

"Hey it's fine at least your not an emotionless soldier anymore! I like emotional Keith better"

"I don't know if thats supposed to be a compliment orrr...." Keith laughs a bit, he was somewhat trying to make the the conversation less awkward. God he hated awkward conversations. (You and me both Keef)

"So.... What does this mean for us?" A blush spread across both boys faces as they stared awkwardly at one another. 


"Are you my.... boyfriend...?"

"I guess... if you want to be mine...?"

"I'd be happy to call you my boyfriend" Blushes spread like wildfires across both the cuban and the galrans face, both practically the colour of tomato's.

Finally, the two weren't alone, they had eachother. After so much time of questioning emotions and heartache, they found love in someone they least expected. Finally,

They were


HJIEHIUhJHUEHS I AM FINALLY BACK! AND MY GOD THIS STORY HAS 1.3K READERS! HEWWO TO ALL OF Y'ALL! EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU MEAN A LOT TO ME! JSJNJSHEEHHBSNJH...hehe I'm not okay... also this story will no longer have a definite upload schedule until I have some chapters built up, sowwyyyyyyyyy! Till next time,

Stay whelmed!


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