Chapter 4~ Interrogation

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A few hours later


"Hey Mullet?" Lance called to the guard standing outside his cell, he had thought of this nickname after the gun was pointed at him.

"What do you want?" The Galra called back, his voice dripping with annoyance.

"You said I'd get called in for questioning, how long till that im boooored" he slid down the wall of his cell and played with his fingers.

" A few Doboshes" the Lieutenant sighed.


"Come on" He opened the cell and cuffed the prisoner, leading him to the interrogation room.

"Okay, I ask you answer" He hooked him up to the lie detector and sat down in front of him.

"Whats your name?" He asked

"Bob Johnson" A shock was sent throughout the Paladins body causing him to yelp.

"That was level one, its only going to get worse if you keep lying"

"L-Lance McClain"

"What lion do you pilot?"

"Yello-" He screamed causing Yorak to smirk, he loved watching prisoners suffer.

'You need to help him!' The voice in his head cried, his human side.

"The truth?" He hadn't realized he spaced out.


"What are the other Paladins names, and what lions do they pilot?"

"Shiro: Black, Hunk: Yellow, Pidge: Green, Natalie: Red."

"What are your relations to these four?"

"Shiro's like a father figure, Hunk and Pidge are my best friends and, Natalie is my sis-" He screamed at the top of his lungs.

"G-Girlfriend, I-I meant to say girlfriend"

"Where do you come from?"


"What species are you?"

"Bird" He screamed even louder and passed out.

"I told you not to lie" Yorak shook his head before escorting the unconscious Lance back to his cell.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The next day~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

After Lance had woken up Yorak took him back to the interrogation room to ask his final questions.

"You know better than to lie now right?" He asked, the paladin kept his head down and nodded.

"Now, as I asked yesterday; What species are you?"

"Human" Lance said his voice slightly above a whisper.

"Last question: Where are the lions?"

"I- I don't know... last time I was there we were on the edge of the Polarius {Made up} Solar System." His voice was slighly louder this time."

"Your good to go for now, your 'friends' should surrender themselves tonight" Yorak made finger quotes when he said the word 'friends'.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Later that day~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Lances head was still spinning from all the shocks from the day before.

He was trying to get it to stop when he heard and explosion coming from the other side of the ship.

"Lieutenant! The Paladins are attacking!" He heard a guard run up to the Galra that was always guarding his cell.

They came for me? I knew they cared!

He heard the guards run off and an explosion blow the door open. He ran out without hesitation only to be met with the face of his true love.



They ran toward each other and hugged. For a moment nothing else mattered...until he felt a sharp pain in his neck.

"Good night Lance McLean"

MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! Guess you guys will just have to wait till next week to find out what happens next week... or maybe I'll make you guys wait a MONTH!

Nah you guys just have to wait till next Wednesday I'm not that evil. 524 WORDS IM PROUD OF MYSELF! Till next time,

I REALLY hope you guys stay whelmed

-Bunny Person

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