Chapter 3~ It Begins

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💔Natalie💔3rd Person💔

Lance didn't show up when we were under attack which set off some red flags, but he could have been lost in the castle.

Probably be better if he's gone, he's so useless {CAN I PLEASE KILL HER OFF?!?} she thought while the team was trying to locate him.

🏰All Paladins🏰

"Paladins focus we need to find Lonce!" Allura called to them, as people weren't paying attention.

Just then a video call came in from the Galra.

"Paladins of Voltron, I am General Vaz" The female Galra on screen spoke.

"WHERE IS LANCE!" Natalie screamed while fake anger.

"Right, Yorak! Bring the prisoner in!" The General callled to someone off screen. A struggling Lance was pushed into veiw.

"LANCE" All the Paladins called in sync. Lance looked up and smiled.

That smile turned to fear when the Galra that pushed him in pointed a gun at him, causing a few team members to gasp.

"You have 48 hours to surrender yourselves or he dies" The General said before ending the call

I HATE NATALIE SO MUCH ITS NOT EVEN FUNNY! But yeah the climax of the story is slowly starting to come together! Till next time,

Stay whelmed!


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