Chapter 6~ Reunion

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As soon as Keith and Lance arrived all the Paladins bombarded Lance with questions, ignoring the Galra.

"Lonce, are you okay?"

"What happened?"

"Why are you with 'him'?"

"What happened to your clothes?"

"Wheres Natalie?"

Lance looked more confused then he ever has been.

"L-Look, erm... guys,  can you stop bombarding me with questions" He looked over to Yorak for assistance.

"Why do you look so confused? We're your friends!" The yellow Paladin asked, the others nodded.

"Erm... Keith, little help?" Lance pleaded.

"The Galra did something to him... I think they might have whipped his memory, he didn't even know Voltron existed until I brought him here" Keith replied.

"Okay and how come your here?" The Altean princess turned to the Galra.

"I helped him escape and get here... I'm a traitor to my own kind" He looked down as he said the end.

"Yeahhh s-so who are all of you?" The blue Paladin broke the awkward silence.

"You seriously don't remember us?" Pidge questioned.

"A-Am I supposed to?"

"Well yeah we've know each other for 2 years" Hunk replied, getting a little worried for his friend.

"Like I said Lance doesn't remember anything, I'm not sure what General Vaz did to him but it was bad." The Galra replied from the corner he was in.

"Okay... I'm Hunk, Paladin of the Yellow Lion."

"Pidge, Paladin of the Green Lion"

"Shiro, I fly the Black Lion"

"Allura, princess of Altea"

"Coran... what do I do again?"

"Be amazing!" Hunk yelled.

"And Natalie was the Red Paladin, but we don't know where she went." The mention of the spy made Keith laugh.

"Whats so funny?" Allura asked the Galra.

"The fact that you guys actually belived General Vaz was Natalie" He replied between laughs.

I have a strange obsession with minor cliffhangers, sorry guys. Also the past few chapters have been long so here is a short one! Till next time,

Stay whelmed


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