Chapter 14~ Lost and Found

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I may or may not be writing this chapter in class because literally no one is here so we're allowed to do whatever we want

"Answer the call Allura"


The call came onto the main screen. General Vaz stood in the middle of the screen, Kaz and some other soldier stood to her sides.

"Hello once again Paladins"

"What do you want Vaz?" Shiro was the first to speak, him being the leader of course.

"I just thought you guys wanted to know what was happening to your 'beloved' blue Paladin"

"I SWEAR IF YOU LAY A FINGER ON HIM!" Keith growled. All the Paladins looked at him in shock, they knew they were close but.... they didn't know they were this close.

The General looked at the Lieutenant and nodded "Stand down Kitty." The red Paladin flinched but refused to be manipulated.


"Keith, stand down. They won't tell us anything if we attack them" Shiro was the one to stop Keith this time, the Galran Paladin unwillingly obliged.

"Now that the traitor has been dealt with, Kaz could you bring him in?" Vaz ordered, Kaz nodded and went off screen. He came back with Lance, his hands were cuffed behind his back.

"Sit." Kaz ordered, the blue Paladin did as he was told and kneeled.

"LA(O)NCE!" All the Paladins called with a mix of happiness and fright. (anyone else getting déjà vu from chapter 3?)

"Yes this Paladin has been in our possession for quite some time now... three movements if I'm correct"

"You will free him willingly or not!" Allura glared at the screen, her arms crossed over her chest.

"I don't think Lance wants to leave. Why don't you show them your decision Lancey~" As if on que Lance stood and removed his hands from behind his back. He walked over to Vaz wraps his arms around her neck. The small embrace quickly turned into a full on makeout.

There was a pained scream followed by the sound of the control room doors opening and closing. Once again being followed with an angry scream and a bang.


Keith couldn't watch what was happening anymore, he stormed out of the room.

Once he was out he got a flurry of emotions... but the main one was anger. He punched the wall, leaving a dent in the place of his fist. He ran to his room and locked the door, once he was enclosed.... he broke down.

He fell to his knees, tears streamed down his cheeks like waterfalls, hugging himself for comfort.

'Lance he.... no he couldn't betray us... they must've done something to him!' So many thoughts swirled around his head like no tomorrow.

he needed to let out his emotions....he stood and made his way to the training room.

"Start training sequence level 85" He activated his bayard as 4 bots fell from the ceiling.

A Month Later




That was Keiths routine for the past month after the 'incident'. He barely slept which resulted in giant bags under his eyes.

"Begin training sequence level 178!" 15 Robots fell from the ceiling and charged at Keith. They had him surrounded before he could even make a move, they began to close in.

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