Chapter 18~ A New Mission

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The next day


Every Paladin seemed to be having their own coversation with someone, Pidge and Allura, Hunk and Shiro, Keith and Lance, but it was obvious which pair was having the most fun. (Hehehehehehhehehehhehe... I don't think I'm okay...)

"Sooo Keith, Lance, you two seem to be enjoying your conversation, care to tell us what its about?" Pidge smirked, she watched the whole thing from yesterday go down from the security cameras. She had shipped it since day one.

"Pidge please don't tell me you watched?" Lance sighed, the last thing they needed was for Pidge to go into fangirl mode.

"Watched what? Whats going on between you two?!?" Allura asked cautiously, it was obvious she was still suspicious of Keith, even after he proved he was no longer working with the Galra.

"Lance and Keith are-" The rest of the sentence was muffled, do to Keith covering the green Paladins mouth with his hand. This just raised the suspicion in the other 3 people in the room, what was happening with Keith and Lance?

"Lance? Whats happening?" Hunk was beginning to grow worried, just like everyone else.

'Could him and Keith still be working with the Galra?' 

Lance replied with a sigh "We were planning on waiting a bit before telling you guys but since someone" He glared at Pidge "Couldn't keep her mouth shut, I guess nows a better time than ever"

Keith stopped his glare at Pidge to look at his boyfriend "Are you sure you're ready?"

"I hope I am, but I don't want to be the one to say it sooo... release the kraken"

"What does that mean?"

Lance facepalms and laughs "Just let Pidge talk"

"Okay?" Keith takes his hand off Pidge's mouth, 

Pidge proceeds by climbing onto the table and screaming; "KEITH AND LANCE ARE DATING!!!!!!!!!!" She then flailed her hands around in ways that would be concerning and squeeled (Okay when did Pidge become me?)

(Ima just timeskip cuz i don't wanna do the Paladins reactions XD)

A week later

💙❤ Klance❤💙

"Keith, Lonce! Are you guys even paying attention?!" Allura was trying to explain their next attack plan but Klance was too busy flirting with eachother to pay attention. 

"Shoot! Sorry Allura! Keiths beauty is just to amazing all I can do is stare at him" Keith gave Lance a punch in the arm 

"Sorry Allura, we'll pay attention I promise" 

"Thank you Keith. Now, there seems to be a cluster of Galra ships surrounding a massive energy source. What we're planning is that you two can infiltrate one of the ships and investigate this unknown source of energy" As Allura spoke, she pointed to a spot on the main screen, which the two paladins assumed was where the galra ships were clustered.

"And how are we going to do that?" The Cuban asked, finally taking his eyes off of the adorable Galran beside him.

"Shiro, would you like to explain your plan?"

"Of course, as concerned as I am about the repercussions Keith is still going through after being captured, I think you could go undercover as a Lieutenant again-"

"Again? He's never done if before" Of course, Lance didn't remember the last time Keith went undercover, he was under the control of Vaz. 

"Of course! ANOTHER bonding moment you don't remember" Keith rolled his eyes and laughed, his boyfriend joining in as well. "Anyways, while you were under Vaz's (Vaz'??? WUT?) control, I went undercover and saved you, you're welcome"

"Tank you Keef"

"Its Keith"

















"Thats. enough." Pidge said, clearly annoyed.

"Anyways... I guess thats a good plan but I swear to orion if we get caught I am never going within 5 plats of a Galra ship EVER again" (Orion= space god person Plats= space version of feet) Keith let off a small laughs but seemed to be serious about his remark.

Before the mission

Keith and Lance met up in the blue lions bay, both of them ready to go.

"I feel we're back in the good old days, getting kidnapped and talking to you through the cell" The blue Paladin laughed, but the red one didn't find it as funny, instead he looked to the ground, his ears falling slightly. Of  couse, Lance noticed.

"Of course, those times weren't all that good! I think the present is the best time to be" Lance quickly stated, not wanting to upset his lover. It seemed to have worked because his ears perked back up and he smirked at the cuban boy.

"Well duh! Because now I can do this" Keith planted a kiss on his boyfriends lips and ran into Blue, leaving a flustered Lance standing in te middle of the docking bay.

"KEITH! You'll pay for that!" He quickly ran into Blue

ANOTHER UPDATE! yeyyyy! I haven't really been doing the best mentally lately and writing has really just been on of my coping mechanisms soooo expect more chapters. Till next time, 

Stay Whelmed!


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