Chapter 19~ Familiar Faces

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(Have fun figuring out whats going on in this chaper >:3 I even confused myself halfway through XD)


"Wait, so you're telling me; I have to scout a planet for Galra with Mullet over here, while you guys get to go on a really cool mission to investigate some power surge?" Lance whined, not wanting to do a boring solo mission.

"Yes! Thats the fifth time you've asked! Get that in your head!" Keith growled, getting slightly annoyed at the constant whining from the blue paladin.

"Shut your quiznack Mullet! I'm just making sure!" Keith rolled his eyes and head to the red lions docking bay and got ready to head to the planet Laysh.


"Lance I don't have a good feeling about this..." Keith said, as they walked through the ship, supposedly on their way to 'drop the prisoner off in his cell'.

"I'm sure everythings going to be fine Keef, we just have to figure out why these ships are here"

All of a sudden they heard heavy footsteps from around the corner

"How many?"

"I'd say around 4? But they don't sound like Galra? Maybe someone else trying to investigate the energy? I can't hear properly with my ears pushed down" The cat like ears twitched under the helmet, wanting to be free (I WANT TO BREAK FREE.... I WANT TO BREAAK FREEEEEEE... no one will know that song TwT)

"I'll give you some ear scratches when we get back to the team" The two boys quickly drew their bayards and prepared to attack, but when they saw the intruders, they were confused.

It was the rest of the team?

"What the heck are you guys doing here?" Lance questioned, quickly lowering his rifle.

"What are you talking about Lance? You and Keith are supposed to be on Laysh, did you seriously already manage to get captured?"

"What are you talking abo-" Before Keith could finish talking he was tackled to the ground by Allura, his helmet flying off and his arm being bent in a way that isn't natural. 

"You filthy Galra!" The Galrans ears immediatly fell, hadn't Allura said she was okay with Keith? Or was that a lie?

"Allura! Get your hands off him before I make you!"


"Lance what has gotten into you? Did he brainwash you?"

"Brainwash me? What? No! Why would he?"

"Because he's a Galra!"

"So? I don't care! He's my boyfriend!" The 4 other Paladins gasped and stared at Lance as if he had 3 eyes.


"He's brainwashed. Shiro grab him, I'll deal with this Galra" The Princess ordered, Shiro quickly wrapped his arms around Lance while Allura found some way to knock Keith out.

"ALLURA STOP!" The blue paladins pleas were ignored and Keith was lifted up and the two if them were carried to the lions.

An hour later


"Care to explain why the healing pod is refusing to help Lonce?" Allura asked as she walked towards the cell the unknown Galra was staying in.

"Maybe because theres nothing wrong with him? Maybe you guys have a memory problem? You literally told me to go undercover with Lance to investigate that weird energy thing!"

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