Chapter 2

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I sighed. Knowing the quick riot just a moment ago proves that this year will not be for me. I shook my head at the thought of getting bullied in my first university year and tried to clear out the negative thoughts as I headed to my classroom.

I took out my hand to look at my schedule but only see me empty handed. I groaned and rolled my eyes as I turned back to look for the principal's office to get it.

"Room Cesc 2, Cesc 3, Cesc 4.... Ces- Ah!" I felt my bum hit the ground and I cringed in the striking pain on my tailbone. That is possibly the worst place you can get hit at. I apologized immediately before looking up at them and continued on looking for the office, but I was blocked by two men.

"U-uhm, May you please me..." Fear ran through my whole system as I stared at my two brothers, smirking in front of me as my doe eyes looked at theirs, tears threatening to fall, my legs shaking like a lamb. Oh no...

"Hm.. Seems like we're gonna have fun this year, baby bro." Taehyung responded with a deep hum as they both looked at me with equal intent of making my first year even worse.

I looked down immediately and ran to the side of them to avoid any contact. Fortunately, they didn't go after me. Instead, they shouted disgusting words like coward, skinny bitch, and hopeless STEP brother. I shook my head and wiped the tears coming down and composed myself quickly since I found the door to the office. I let out a deep sigh and opened the door.


"That was fun, hyung." I said in between chuckles. Jimin slapped me on the shoulder as he kept on bending down, laughing harder than annoying orange. "Okay, shortie, stand up, stand up. We're gonna be late pretty soon." Jimin stopped laughing and was about to say something before his attention was brought to a girl walking on the halls with us.

"Hey, princess. You wanna ride?" To be honest, I cringe so much when Jimin gives them pet names, but meh. At least we can skip English class.

Jimin turned to me and that is my cue to go up to her next. "What about me..?" I said in aegyo like voice. "I want chu fweel good too! But I guess she ownly wants Chimminie..." Sigh, the cringe! I pouted and crossed my arms playfully to get her to pick one.

"Heheh... How about... you share? I'm okay with," She stopped for a brief moment and "secretly" unbuttoned the top of her polo to show her s m a l l cleavage. "Taking in two?" She giggled right after, making me die with.. you guessed it. C r i n g e, but Jimin seems to like it. I mentally sighed and played my "baby boy" act and put my arms around her shoulder and went to the nearest closet with Jimin to bang.



"Im Jaebum?"


"Kim Jonghyun?"


"Lee Taemin?"


"Park Jisang?"


"Song Taekwang?"


"That's it for attendance. We have new student joining us today, so be nice." The teacher announced to the class, shushing them. I let out a deep sigh as I saw all the students look at the slightly open door. "Sum up courage, Kooks. You can do it..." I put on my calm face and slowly opened the sliding door, peeking my face in between. All eyes were on me and I won't lie about the uncomfortableness.

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