Chapter 16

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"Doc! He lost too much blood!"

"No! We can still make it. Keep the operation going..."

"Dr. Kim, the cut was too deep... It'll be hard to stitch it together without hitting a nerve that can kill him right away..."




"Doc! We're losing him!"

"Argh! Stitch it up! Focus everybody. Make no sound for I have to concentrate."

Intricate hand movements fiddled on Jungkook's open throat. A line squeezing through a small hole creating an ominous screeching sound.

Jin's hands working quickly, but carefully. He finished the last twist and pulled it slowly.

"Cut." He said...

Jin pulled the string away, but a sudden rush of beeps and panicked gasps overflowed the room. He took a look at the situation and saw that the string was never cut.

Jungkook's throat opened like a balloon with orbeez and blood squirted all over Jin's uniform. He quickly reacted by putting enough pressure on his thin esophagus and ordered the people around him.




I'm sitting down with Taehyung in front of the operating room. We've been waiting for 6 hours and I don't feel bored.

Him and I felt one thing and it's only anticipation. Jungkook will live...

He has to...

Why am I so stupid and have to... choke him like that...

What has gotten into me?

I looked at Taehyung and saw him fight tears coming down. I hugged him quickly and rubbed his back. That is when I felt warm tears hit my neck.

Continuous sobbing filled the empty, echoey hallway. I tried my best not to cry, but seeing my boyfriend like this is already hard enough.

I rested my head down on his shoulders and took deep breaths until I heard cautious steps coming up to us.

"Um, sir?" A nurse started. I didn't look up, but I had an ear open.

"It's already closing time for visitors... May you please come back again tomorrow? We'll report his status right away when you come back." She continued.

I was about to protest when Taehyung suddenly stood up and grabbed my hand, dragging me away after saying "Okay. Please keep Jungkook alive." To the nurse.


I layed down on my bed after arriving. Tears won't stop coming down and I had to use my body pillow to trap them. Jimin is downstairs and making dinner for me. I would've been helping him by now, but he told me to just rest and calm down.

I took small breaths and wiped my eyes. As I do it, sleep slowly took over me and I felt heavy.



Wakie wakie!

I jolted awake and looked around to see Jungkook crouching behind me. My feelings poured out and tears came rushing down as I caressed Jungkook. His small and frail body getting engulfed by me was something he and I always loved.

He wrapped his arm around my waist and hugged me tighter. My tears never ending as it fell on my Kookie's built body.

After a while, I released the skinship and tightly held his shoulders.

"I-I'm so glad you're okay... I missed you, my Kookie..."

"Me too, hyungie. I wanted to embrace you after seeming like it's been a long time..."

"I missed you shooo much, hyung" He cheered.

I smiled and lightly laughed with him. I peppered him with kisses and he giggled after every touch.

"It tickles, hehe~!"

"I love you, my Koo."

"I love you too, Tae!"

We shared our passionate kiss and and he giggled after opening his eyes.

"I'm glad to have my last kiss with you." He said with a frown.

"Koo.... What do you mean last..?"

The words I planned to say next were swallowed back in when I saw clean, white wings come out of Jungkook's back.

He looked at me with a painful smile and my eyes began to water.

He stood up and back away slightly while I sat on my bottom, my hand covering my mouth.

"Koo... No, please."

He made a bigger smile. "I love you hyung!"

My tears began falling and I went on all fours to chase after Jungkook's feet. Before I could touch it, I unconsciously began to make my way up to his face, his body slowly disappearing. My hands continued to try and grab him, but it would always disappear...

The moment I was fully standing up, it was only his smiling face that was left.

My tears continued flowing and tried to get a hold of his cheek, but was suddenly stopped when I felt a peck on my lips. I closed my eyes and leaned on his lips more. He kept it there for a long time until I felt nothing after.

I slowly opened my eyes to see nothing but the dull gray color of my ceiling. I quickly sat up and went to Jimin outside.

I rushed down the stairs and when I made a turn, I saw Jimin sitting down looking so devastated.


I heard footsteps running down and my heart started to beat much faster. I continued looking down until I saw a pair of Jungkook's bunny indoor slippers

... and that's when I began crying.

I looked up at him and he looked so shocked to see my crying face.

"Hyung..." He started.

"I had a dream about Jungkook." We both said at the same time. My eyes widened as much as he did too.

"Hyung... he isn't... right...?" Taehyung asked. I looked down in hopes of him still being alive.

Before I got to say something, the house phone began ringing.

Taehyung jolted and ran to get a tissue to wipe his wet face before answering.

He lifted up the phone and took a deep breath before putting it against his ear.

"Hello...?" He said meekly.

"Good evening, this is Namjin Hospital...."

"About patient 305, Jeon Jungkook...."

See you next week for the last chapter :D

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