Chapter 5

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"Hyung!" I shouted from downstairs. I was expecting a response, but received none. I ruffled my hair and walked to his room while shouting his name. Why is it that he isn't answering me? I reached his door and opened it slightly. "Hyung~?" I tried saying out loud, but came out as a whisper when I saw him eating the girl's private out. I cringed at the moans and the squelches coming from both Jimin hyung's tongue and her... thing.

"Ah...~ Get on top of me and ride..." He said, making my eyes widen and slowly shut the door for no evidence of me peeking through. I shook my head and made my way down the stairs, but when I saw a wooden board hitting a door, my attention was brought there and walked closer to it.

"Bunny.... Kooks..." I read while holding the board. Without hesitation, I opened the door and went inside, closing it lightly so Jimin won't catch me. I looked around the puny room and unconsciously smiled when I saw the bunny plushy on his bed.

"Kookie!!" I shouted, catching his attention from playing with the baby chicks. "Hyungie!!!" He stood up and ran to me and jumped up high to clutch himself on my body like a koala. I chuckled and kissed his forehead while lightly ruffling his soft locks.

"I have a gift for you~!" Jungkook jumped down and looked at me with his doe, caramel eyes. "What is it, Tae? What is it? What is it?" I chuckled at his eagerness and showed the stuffed toy from my back. I looked at his eyes as it sparkled with joy and his mouth agape as he gasped in happiness. He took away the toy and squished it to death. "Thank you hyungie!! I love you so much!" He exclaimed as he pulled me close to his face and peppered me with soft pecks. I chuckled in return and picked him up by his butt and kissed his nose. "Happy birthday, my Kooks."

I looked up and saw a star on his ceiling. My eyes slightly getting watery when I rememebered the time when we were laying down on the tall grass while holding hands.

"Jimminnie hyung?" Jungkook questioned, slightly tapping his cheeks. "What is it, Bun?" He responded groggily. "Do you see that star?" He pointed up to the dark sky and smiled happily. "That is my favorite star because it shows all 5 sides and it's the brightest of them all." Me and Jimin nodded and tightened our grips on his soft, small hands. "It became my favorite because it is as bright as our lives and we have 5 members in our family." He turned to me and kissed my cheek and did the same with Jimin hyung. "I love you guys so much." He ended.

The next morning when I woke up, I came to call Jungkook up for breakfast. I opened his door harshly, but quickly slowed down when I saw him laying on his back on the floor. "Aish... Why are you sleeping on the flo-" My vision focused on the huge paper on the floor. I slowly went close to it to see a shape of a star with words on each end.

Tae Hyungie - My hyung is the best person in the whole wide world. He is my number one hyung that loves me for who I am and doesn't treat me like others in school. I love him so much that if I was a girl, I won't care if we're real siblings because I will marry him.

Jimminnie Hyungie - My oldest hyung is my role model. He likes the way I am even though I am such a crybaby. He is like my daddy when our parents are at work and he loves the way I massage his hair. I don't know why he likes it, but when I see him happy, I feel even more happy.

Kookie Buns - Since I'm the youngest, I act too much of a baby. I'm not sure why, but maybe it's because I want their attention because they have been busy lately. Mom and dad aren't always home, but when they are, they treat my like their wittle baby. When they aren't, I will continue to act like a wittle baby in front of my hyungs because

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