Chapter 14

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4 days later...

Jungkook is getting ready to change into his home clothes. Taehyung and Jimin visited Jungkook that same day and brought many bags to pack his clothes. Jungkook walked around the room where he stayed for many years. The white ceilings that are now yellowish in shading. The smell of a sanitized room still lingering under his nose. He didn't want to admit it, but he is going to miss this room.

"Jungkook?" Someone said.

"Yes, Doc?" he answered.

"Are you ready to get discharged?"

"Yes I am. I don't know why, but I think I'll miss this room." He chuckled.

"The nurses and doctors who took care of you will miss you as well. I hope you have a safe arrival back to your home." He stated.

"Thank you, Doc. I'll see you around again."

"Call me Jin-hyung okay? I'll see you around too." He waved from the door.

"Bye, Jin-hyung."

"Jungkook! You ready?" A familiar, deep voice emitted from behind.

"Yeap! All ready to go!" Jungkook cheered.

"Let's go, then?" Jimin said and the two brothers nodded.

"Wow... home!" Jungkook excitedly exclaimed. It's been so long. I wonder how it looks now.

The youngest jumped off the car and rushed to the door. He expected himself to run all the way, but was met with 4 open arms. He was shocked at first then indulged himself after remembering the soft, warm, and loving embrace of two people.

His parents.

"My baby! I'm so glad you're home!" His mom said, fighting back the tears with her soothing, caramel-like voice.

"C'mere, Champ!" His dad picked him up like he was a kid.

"Oh my, thank you for bringing my son's things." Jungkook's mom cheered. "Of course, Mrs. Jeon." Taehyung said.

"Wait... mom, aren't they my brothers? Why are they calling you "Mrs. Jeon"? Didn't you adopt them?" Jungkook questioned. "No, honey. They're your best friends ever since you were little. I guess you don't remember inviting them to your birthday before we got into the accident." Jungkook's father answered.

So.... Everything... I thought... I thought being their brothers would be real as well... Jungkook thought

"Oh..." was all the he could let out. Hints of disappointment were evident, but all payed no mind.

"You're room's up there, Kooks." Jimin pointed upstairs. "I'll make food. Make yourselves at home." Mrs. Jeon stated and all nodded before heading to the younger's room.

Jimin and Taehyung helped Jungkook with putting away his stuff while Jungkook swept and mopped the floor, not knowing that Mr. and Mrs. Jeon had done it a while ago. He's a very hygienic person.... totally...


"WE'RE COMING!" Jungkook and Taehyung screamed in unison... Jimin smirked...

"Okay! We have braised pork! Take your fill with the rice and make yourselves full!" Mr. Jeon cheered and all three agreed in excitement.

"Bye Mrs. Jeon! We'll be back before dark!" Taehyung bid. "Be safe, you three! And buy us some ice cream, too!" Mr. Jeon exclaimed. "Sure thing!" Jungkook answered.

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