New Story

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I just finished making a cover for my new book. Tell me if I need anything to change.

The story will be about the two sides of Jimin and Jungkook

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The story will be about the two sides of Jimin and Jungkook.

Jungkook had been smiling for so long that it became a habit.

But he is a completely different person at home.

His parents are on the verge of dying and he's working hard in school to graduate to become a doctor who can save his only hopes in life. He cries everyday when he hold their hands and curses God for hurting him and them like this.

Park Jimin, on the other hand, has everything everyone have been shrieking for. Wealth, a mother who owns a casino, a father who is the owner of a very successful hospital, and a beautiful lifestyle. He has the good looks, but his height was an exception. He became popular when he attended 1st year of high-school, but he gives zero fucks about anyone.

However, if you were to consider his grades, it is... somewhat very disappointing. With that reason, his parents have been chastising him by taking away his phone, taking away his credit cards, and making him clean the entire house so he learns how to take care of his responsibilities.

How do they meet?

It's a crappy summary, but everything will be explained in the story when it comes out. I promise that it will be interesting, so I hope you check it out when I publish the 1st chapter next week after the end of this story.

It will be called...

Double Sided... YEAAAA MATE!

That's it for now, folks. See you next week!

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