Chapter 10

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Kim Jungkook, 22 years old. Family, two. Job, he quit being a clerk and nursery teacher, but continued being a tattoo artist who is now known across 17 countries. He finished college 2 years ago and became a popular man from being a nuisance. Why? All because of his "fame". People in his class seemed to be professionals in sugar-coating their true selves. Jungkook didn't mind them because he knows what they've done to him, so he created a boarder between him and everyone else. He still felt lonely, but he wasn't that lonely. He had a friend with him. Inside him. And his name is Jumin Han. Where is Jungha you may ask? Well, he's been terrorized by Jumin and has now taken control over Jungkook who is now as confident as ever. He doesn't rub his "fame" on everybody because he's not that type of person. He still stays the way he is and is now a much better man than he was before. All thanks to Jumin... or is it...?


It's been 3 and half years, and my brothers are still not home... I at least wanted to celebrate their birthdays even though I'm alone in the house. I at least want to acknowledge them for surviving a whole year and create a new beginning. I'm going to be honest, but I really miss them. I just wonder what their doing now. I hope they aren't dead... Pft... Like they will be. They can fight anyways.

I looked at the time and it's time for me to do a tattoo on 2 very famous detectives. I heard they were able to catch a wanted criminal who's been doing a lot of bad things 17 years ago. It was said on the news that his attorney gave false statements and alibis to make him get out of jail. He's been on a run for 2 and a half years but 2 men was able to catch him. The thing is, the detectives asked the police if they can keep that man with them for some time and then turn him in. The police agreed and the country has no idea where that criminal is until now. What surprised me the most is the fact that it was my hyung who helped that man escape from prison... My favorite Jong-suk hyung. I didn't know he was an attorney... I thought he was just a boutique clerk from the last time I bought the mask from him, but I'm glad I didn't get any closer or I would've been in jail with him.

Rushing, I went in my 2019 BMW i8 Roadster,

and waved at my nice neighbors who would always bring me food everytime I come home from my job

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and waved at my nice neighbors who would always bring me food everytime I come home from my job.

16 minutes later

I arrived and greeted my co-workers I hired and settled my things in my office. I sat down to look at the designs they emailed and created a very nice color pattern at the top of my head.

 I sat down to look at the designs they emailed and created a very nice color pattern at the top of my head

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