Chapter 13

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Jungkook smirked.

"Hyung... I don't know what you're talking about. How could I possibly kill people?" The youngest said, with the most amazing acting and voice tone that even the best people at answering clues cannot comprehend.

"Hm... I think he's saying no because... He's too much of a coward to admit it..?" Jimin blurted.

With Jungkook's intimidating smile still plastered on his face, he stood up slowly and went to the cabin's door. Even though he's been caught, he still wants to know that no one is actually inside, tied up, bloody, almost dead...

He summed up even more courage and opened the door.


The door opens with a beautiful interior. Vases surrounding the window pane, beautiful sky blue carpet running down to the stairs. It was... more... than a cabin. It looked like a hotel. But Jungkook wondered... What did his brothers mean by "He knew where to go"?

He turned around, the smirk long gone and stared at his brothers with wide eyes. He turned around fast and decided to run up the stairs. Loud thumps emitted due to the rush, creaks from doors opening, rustling from carpet being stepped on. Jungkook ran as fast as he could.


"Come~ ba~ck, baby~"

"Your hyungie will pacify you~!"

"But we just need you to stay still... and we can't do that if you don't cooperate..."

Jungkook kept on running fast... Until there was nowhere left to go... He looked for ways to go around to, but there was only the gap that opens up the view of downstairs.

"Can I do it...?" He muttered under his breath. With his mind focused on what to do, his eyes are focused on Jimin who is quickly running towards him.

I'm running out of time...

I gotta do it...

Jungkook quickly stepped over the rail and looked at how far Jimin was...

Until he saw a strand of hair in front of him.

Jungkook flinched and slipped down the railings. Jimin looking at him in complete awe as he falls down head first.

Jungkook's vision is only on the floor, but a casual glimpse of feet leered. With everything in slow-motion, tears came down his eyes and took a last look at his brothers before...




"Wake up!!"

He jolted and looked at his surroundings. "We're here, Jungkook. Get your stuff ready, we're leaving." Sweat running down his temple, he stood up, legs low-key quivering.

"You slept throughout the whole ride. You were sweating too, like you were having a nightmare." Jimin explained to the thoughtless boy. "Are you okay?" Taehyung asked and Jungkook nodded, still on cloud 9.

Wait... So, that was all a dream..?

I hope whatever happens now is also a dream... Dear God, please...

"Here's the hotel, Kooks." Jimin pointed at the expensive looking hotel. Jungkook looked in awe at this tall building in Busan. This is probably newly made since he didn't see this when he lived here before.

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