Chapter 12

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The brothers quickly kneeled next to Jungkook's bed and leaned over the journal next to him. Taehyung being swift, he grabs the book under his chest and pulls it down to his knees.

"What...? What's going on...? Am I dreaming...?" Jungkook said, half-asleep. Jimin had an internal breakdown because of his adorableness and just wanted to squeeze his cheeks...

In which case, he did.

"Uggggghh!! Why you sho cuuute?!?!" Jungkook whined at Jimin's aggressiveness and lightly tapped his wrist as a sign to let go, but Jimin was too immersed on his cheek.


"Shoooo cuetetette ughgghhgh!!!"
"Hyung! It's time to hajima!"


"Ah! It's my first time seeing this scar! Where did you get it?"
"Oh... uh... I accidentally got a... papercut the-"

"STOP!" The two stopped their conversation and looked at Taehyung. "Jungkook. Sorry that we had to invade your privacy, but... How do you know that Jin hyung is the one who killed our parents?" Jungkook looked at Taehyung with shock and a bit of anger. I mean, who would be happy when someone just up and read your journal while you're sleeping? He let the anger subside, but asked just to be cautious. "What does it have to do to you?" Taehyung smirked at his confidence. "Well, I just wanted to know because you apparently keep secrets from us while we share ours." Jungkook got the point and sighed.

"Well... I'm sure you've read it in my journal, but I saw him before we crashed. I thought he was just a passerby, but he had a gun, oil and lighter. I remember him shooting mom on the passengers seat, so my dad panicked and tried to get a hold of her. With that reason, he had to let go of the steering wheel which caused us to crash. The two of you guys were rowdy that you hit your head on the mirror and had shards in your head. I was the only one okay because I was able to protect myself. Sure I had a few injuries here and there, but not as bad as you guys and mom and dad... they were... burnt..."

Jungkook broke into a crying fit. "It wasn't because of me hyung! Just because I was asking them to look at the sky doesn't mean I'm the one at fault! I-I just wish you wouldn't assume things so fast... I didn't even do anything bad... I really didn't..." Taehyung embraced Jungkook who was now covering his face on Taehyung's chest, crying his heart out. Although Jungkook is letting out his feelings, the older brothers are feeling guilty every time Jungkook squeaks.

"We're sorry Jungkook. We wanted to apologize the moment you woke up. I hope you can forgive us..." Jungkook continued sobbing after Jimin's statement. The oldest took over the comforting and Taehyung decided that he cannot hide this any further to Jungkook. "Hey, Bun? Can we... take you somewhere?" The said male looked up with curiosity and nodded.


"Okay. You have your stuff with you guys? We're gonna be there for a few days."

"Yeap!" Jungkook rushed down after calming himself from the embarrassing moment he had a while ago.

All sat in the train and headed to the destination. Little did Jungkook know, they were taking a train to Busan.


Few hours later, they arrived and walked all the way to an abandoned cabin. It was pretty huge for a normal cabin, especially when it's abandoned. Jungkook stared at the surroundings and found it quite eerie...

Why did they take me here...? Is all the Jungkook can think of.

Jimin and Taehyung were side by side and a small grin was plastering over their faces. The closer they got to the cabin, an evil aura was emitted from the both of them.

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