Chapter 4

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Jungkook is on a hospital bed with an uncomfortable sensation on his neck. His eyes fluttering every millisecond because of the light invading his vision. Once he got used to it, his arm lifted up and made way to take a quick grasp of his neck, only to feel a rough cloth and pain. He flinched and winced as he retracted his hand back quickly and slammed it on the side of his bed.

"Why am I here..." He sighed, though he knew the reason why. "Why did I do that..."
A click echoed throughout the room and Jungkook's gaze landed on the open door. The moment he saw familiar faces, he automatically lowered his head and shook lightly. Swallowing saliva every second at the thought of that event.

Taehyung and Jimin looked at eachother and back to Jungkook who was looking away, the look of fear being too obvious. Jimin decided to man up and go up to him. Every step felt heavy and his breathing was getting slower as he got closer to the person he nearly killed. He pushed those thoughts away and lightly tapped Jungkook's limp shoulder. Seeing Jungkook flinch at his action gave a painful hit on Jimin's heart.

"J-Jungkook... I-I" He managed to stutter out. The guilt building up inside him and taking him in whole. "I'm sorry... I'm so, so, so sorry for being a bad brother... All those things I've done to you... I don't know why, but.. It's- It's because I didn't get over the past yet, and I feel so dumb for blaming you... My revenge overtook my mind and decided to do all those things to you... I know a simple apology won't fix everything, but please give me and Taehyung a second chance..."

Jungkook who tried not to listen to their excuses cried. He decided to give them the chance because he wanted to feel the love of his brothers again. He wiped his tears secretly and put on a happy face as he turned to look at Jimin.

"Jiminie hyung... I forgiv-"

"Did you really think he was gonna say that wholeheartedly? You must be dumb." Taehyung interrupted. Jungkook's big doe eyes went teary again because he finally thought that they were going back as family. "Remember that you're just an outcast here. You don't belong anywhere, so why are you still alive?" Jimin continued. At this point, Jungkook was having a mental breakdown. All these words were filling his mind that he can't take it anymore. He felt like his head was bleeding because of the amount of hits and insults it took.

Jimin put on a smug face and lifted Jungkook's face by his chin. He went closer until they were touching eachother's noses.

"You... are a murderer. Remem-"

Jungkook woke up with bullets of sweats dripping all over his body. He stood up quickly and tried to escape, but all the tubes connected prevented him to go. He sighed in defeat and sat on the bed with a thought repeating in his head. "You are a murderer... You are a murderer... You are a murderer... I'm a murderer... I'm a murderer... Ye-" A door opened with a click resonating the room. Jungkook's head snapped to the doctor wearing a clean white hospital clothing and holding a clipboard.

"Hello, Mr. Kim. How are you feeling now?" He asked. "I think I feel okay... It's just... It kind of hurts to talk and move my head around... Can you please tell me what happened and how I got here...?" Jungkook answered. "Well, when you got here, there were two men who came rushing in to the ER after calling us. One was pressing a bloody cloth on your exposed neck and the other was carrying you. They told us that they didn't know what happened and that they found you there, lying on the table and a big puddle of blood dripping down on your neck. Gladly, you didn't die and that you were brought here on time."

"Oh... I guess Jimin hyung and Tae hyung brought me here... But why did they lie about that part...?" Jungkook thought. "May I ask who brought me here?" He asked, silently hoping that the answer will be his brothers. "It was Mr. Jung Hoseok and Dr. Min Yoongi." The doctor answered while giving Jungkook a shot. "This will hurt a little bit" He continued, but all Jungkook heard were mumbles. "Oh... of course, haha... Why did I think it would be them..." He was on the verge of crying and lost in thoughts that he barely felt the "pain" of the shot.

"Okay, I am done here for today. If you need me, then press this button. Before I go, do you have any other questions?" The doctor asked while fixing his attire. "May I ask for your name?" Jungkook managed to say from the pain. The doctor smiled and patted Jungkook's messy, but fluffy hair. "My name is Kunpimook Bhuwakul." Jungkook nodded and tried to say his name back. "Khun-pi-muh-kook-bhgu-wakuk...." The doctor chuckled . "Just call me BamBam." The younger nodded happily and waved goodbye to BamBam.

When the door closed, Jungkook's happy face morphed into a sad one and layed lazily on the white bed. He stared at the plain white ceiling as he kept on thinking about "You are a muderer" He asked himself, "How am I a murderer...?" After quite a bit of time, he shrugged off the thought and closed his eyes in attempt to fall asleep, which happened successfully.


We just left him there yesterday and escaped before we got caught. Taehyung is here right now, munching on Lays chips and playing Overwatch at the same time, while I'm staring into space with a thought of why Taehyung told me to stop. He's not getting a soft spot for him, is he? He better not. I turned to look at Taehyung who lost, "Hey, baby bro. Can I ask you somethin' real quick?" Taehyung hummed in response. "Why did you tell me to stop yesterday? I was having fun." He paused the game and looked at me. "Bro, I didn't stop you for cutting his neck. I stopped you coz I thought you were aiming for my dick. Why should I care about that guy?" He ended with a chuckle. I rolled my eyes at him and couldn't hold back a grin. "That's my bro."


It's true that I said stop because I thought he was going to cut my sexy dick, but I do secretly care for Jungkook. I don't know why I can't show it. Maybe it's because of that incident... I can't show love to him, but I care deep down... That doesn't make sense... Argh, nevermind. I'll just play.


I woke up and looked at the time that says 9:39 pm. I ruffled my hair harshly and stood up to go to the bathroom. I was dumb earlier because I didn't know that I can bring this silver pole with me. I opened the door and the cool breeze slapped me on the face as I entered. I first washed my face and wiped it, then brushed my teeth with my eyes closed. I don't know why I do that, it's been a habit of mine. After rinsing my mouth, I ruffled my hair and took a glance of myself in the mirror.

"How are you a murderer...?" I lifted up my hand and touched my cheek. I looked at myself deep in the eyes and moved my hand away, but something dumbfounding happens. I stumbled backwards with my eyes wide open in shock as my reflection moved on its own. My body on the floor as I stare into the mirror with my reflection, smirking down at me with bloody hands and a knife.

"Hey... Jungkook.... You... know me..?" Someone in my head says. "W-w-who are you?! What a-are you?!" I screamed at the top of my lungs while shaking in fear. I saw the reflection frown at me and answered inside my head. "It's me... Jungha... You don't remember asking... what I do to you... yesterday...?" I lowered my gaze and drowned myself in my memories. Now I remember...

"J-Jungha... Who are you... and why are you with me...?" I managed to ask despite the fear.
Jungha smirked and licked the blood on his hands. I cringed at myself for doing that. "I guess you can say... I'm you? And... You're me...? Hm... Two personalities in one..?" I nodded, still defensively speaking. "And I'm here... to have fun... with you... and everyone else..." Jungha chuckled and soon laughed maniacally, or should I say, evilly? I look at him in disgust as he inhaled air to calm down. After a few breaths, his face morphed into seriousness and stared at me. "You... or should I say... I? Hm... Us... We are... murderers... You'll find out soon enough..." He laughed again and slowly disappeared with his last words being "We'll meet again..."

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and quickly stood up and used the counter for support on my shaky legs. I walked out the bathroom and sat on the bed with thoughts clouding up my mind. I shook my head and layed down to go back to sleep.

Sigh... What is happening...

Sorry for boring
chapter and short one.

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