Chapter 8

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Casually sitting on the bench, he stared into the sky that deepens the meaning of its innocence. Legs dangling, graciously swinging back and forth, arms locked in place, rapidly hurting from the weight. He didn't care. In fact, why should he care when no one else does?

What is he...?

Who is he...?

What is his purpose...?

Why is he alive...?

Oh... that's right...

He... is a murderer

He... is Kim Jungkook... the one who is guilty of murdering their 0-}3!#/

His purpose... is to be one of the targets his brothers play around with

He's alive... because *********

Jungha looked straight to his destination, and took a bite from an apple he stole from the canteen a while ago. Few moments of chewing, he spit it back out. "This is rotten..."

Like you.

Jungha stopped and closed his eyes.

Who are you...?

Someone much better than you.

Oh? Prove.

I can wipe you off of Jungkook's personality and take over him completely.

Oh, it won't take even a split millisecond for me to take you away and forever banish you.

Hm... If you truly care, then stop making Jungkook hide behind your anonymous face and make him love himself instead of someone having to cover up for him.

Just because I cover for him doesn't mean I don't care about him. It's because I DO care. That's why I'm helping him by making everyone realize that they are messing with the wrong person.

No, you aren't. You're only helping yourself.


Jungkook's eyes re-opened and looked at his hands that's extended in front of him. Slowly tearing up, he decided to skip 3rd session and go to a nearby store that sells masquerade equipments.

Tears all dry, he fixed himself and entered the building with the fresh smell of lavender eating up the whole interior. He took a look at every equipment, but payed no mind to them due to the one thing he wants and is what he needed.

He passed by all 7 aisles and he couldn't find what he needed. Instead, he went the cashier to ask if they had what he needs. To his surprise, the clerk was someone he knew.

"Hey, Jong-suk hyung." Jungkook said with delight. "Hello, dear customer. How may I help you today?"

"I guess he doesn't remember me." Jungkook thought. "Oh, um... Do you have a..." He stopped and made gestures on his face with an open palm. Fortunately, Jong-suk understood and gave him a set of 3 choices.

 Fortunately, Jong-suk understood and gave him a set of 3 choices

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He took a close look on all three and only one piqued his interest

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He took a close look on all three and only one piqued his interest. It may stand out, but at least he won't look like a criminal, like Jason from Tokyo Ghoul, though it is his favorite anime of all time. He decided to pick the last one. Slowly picking it up, his mind was going in circles.

Should I do this?

Will I get bullied more?

Come on Jungkook. You're not like Jungha who has a lot of confidence when it comes to going out in public with a mask on.

Jungkook. Are you gonna do it?

Wait, Jungha... I-I don't think I can do this. I'm scared of what people will think of me...

Jungkook, you're unique. Even if you do shit to your face or body, it doesn't change the fact that you are Jeon Jungkook.

Please don't call me that name. I'd rather be identified under the name of the Kims.

You do you, but keep in mind that the start of being yourself is by loving yourself.

Jungha, you're making me confused. First you tell me-

I don't care. Either you wear the mask and completely become someone else and be like everyone, or put that mask back and claim who you are and begin loving yourself.

Jungkook closed his eyes, debating on what choice to go to. He did think of the aftermath between the choices he will make.

If he doesn't buy it, people will bully him like before.

If he buys it, people will think he's weird and have 99% chance of still getting bullied and the remaining number of being left alone.

After a while, he made his final decision.

He went to the nearest mirror and tried it on.

He went to the nearest mirror and tried it on

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"Mr. Jong-suk, I will be taking this." The clerk nodded and gave the change of 1 cent out of $21.00 Jungkook payed. "Thank you." When Jungkook went out, that's when Jong-suk responded. "You're welcome. Glad to have you suffer."

Christmas update. Merry Christmas everybody!

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