Chapter 6

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Great choice, Jung.

Uhm... Thanks?

You should be. Now... pick which you want to do...


Do it the painful way... or... the visual way.

Can you tell me how it goes, please?

Well... We never know until we try. You'll see... Now pick...

What is this...? Is this some kind of supernatural phenomenon or something? How can any of these even happen?

Can you... Give me some time to think?

Go ahead.

Okay... Painful way... could it be something like a shot? Or beating me up? Wait... that's too scary... maybe I'm over thinking it...

Visual... Does that mean, he's going to take over my identity? Will I be able to go back? Which should I choose, argh!

So? Picked yet?

Uhhmmm, I don't know!

I'll pick the painful way.

Gaah! Why, why Kim Jungkook?!

Hm... Interesting... Why?


Think Kooks, think.

Because I'd rather take it the painful way than have someone... nonexistent... take over me...

Hah. "Nonexistent" he says. Oh well. I'm still taking over you either way, so there was no point in your long thinking.

Then why did you make me choose?

I find it amusing. Anyway... painful it is. No turning back.

Wait, you're not telling me the conseque-



My thoughts stopped and my vision turned foggy and spirally. After a few moments, my vision cleared up and I see myself standing on red water with an endless purple abyss. Comprehending everything after a short time, I began to panic and tried to find an escape, but I knew that there was no way of getting to that.

It felt like I ran 30 miles because of the intense fatigue taking over my whole body and my system, making them shut down ever so slightly. I collapsed on the water and tried to catch my breath. Everytime I inhale, it's like water is filling up my lungs, making it very painful. After a while, I got used to the pain until another one started on my core. It felt like my intestines were being churned mercilessly that I curled myself up into a ball to impossibly help the pain ease.

After a few more batches of torture throughout my body, a voice began to echo around this endless place. I looked up with my teary eyes and saw a figure right in front of me. My mind being as stupid as it already is, I reached out to him for help. I didn't even realize that this figure has the exact same body shape as I do. Every single muscle and area are exactly the same as mine.

"P-please help me... It really hurts..." I choked out an excruciating sob and took out my arm to grab ahold of his pants. I looked up even more and saw the blindingly white teeth, contrasting his dark aura, smirking down on me. I released my grip on his pants when he crouched down to my level. He took out his hand and grabbed my hair and harshly pulled it up. I groaned in pain and the roots of my hair being pulled caused my eyes to water even more.

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