Chapter 7

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"Uh- Kim Jungkoo-" Taehyung tried to say.

"Jeon Jungkook." He interrupted.

Both hyungs were confused and one looked at the other with worry and the other unamused.

"No, you're not Jeon Junngkook. You're Kim Jungkook." Taehyung tried to persuade the youngest, but it doesn't seem to work on him. In fact, that made it trigger the past.

"Yes, I am. If only you knew." Jungkook stated, crossing his arms and looking to his side. This is when Jimin finally took a soft heart and warmed up his face to look less scary.

"Then, can you explain it to u-" Jimin inquires, but was cut off after his last word.

"Like you care, Jimin." Jungkook confronted, ignoring the fumes coming out of Jimin's ears thinking that not calling him 'hyung' was the reason.

"Look, I agree with you. I don't care. What I mean about that is I don't care. About you. All I ever cared about was our parents. That's why I'm asking you if you could tell us the reason because it's all in the last names." Jimin ended, leaving the already speechless Taehyung speechless.

Jungkook scoffed. "Fine. I'll tell you then. Later during lunch. Meet me at the rooftop of this stupid university." He answered and all three nodded before separating ways.


So? How did you like that?

Well... I mean, thanks for letting me take over for a little so I could say some things I wanted to say for a long time. Because of you and the appearance you gave me, I was able to make them listen.

Good to know that.

That's why I'm starting to love this body. Please... speak for me. If that's the only way to make other people like me, it won't matter who I am, just please. Be me for a while. I'll be hidden in your mask.

Sure. I smirked and quickly paced myself to architecture.


"Class, what does it mean when atom- Park Jimin! Wake up, NOW." The teacher said with his loudest voice that it busted one of his lungs. I ignored the call and continued sleeping until I heard footsteps coming close to me. Before I hear him scream again, "OKAY, I'M AWAKE YOU ENGLISH NERD WHO DOES HARRY POTTER ACCENT!" I started.

I look at him...

He looks at me...

"Bro, it's called British accent." He said. I rolled my eyes and made my way out of this boring science class.

Might as well bang the nurse.


C'mon... 5 more minutes until lunch time... and this teacher... is such a pain in the a-

"Kim Taehyung, you got someone you want to ask out?" My thoughts were interrupted and I stare at Mr. Jung- Mr. Hoe, I meant. "No. Why would I ask out these people who are wa~y too low of my standards?" I rolled my eyes, forgetting about the time and slept my way through it, ignoring the teacher.

-bell rings-
(Lunch time)


I crack my bones and took my stuff, placing it awesomely on my shoulder like everyone should be scared. I rushingly made way through the hallway, paying no mind to the cowards giving me space to pass through. I scoffed at their acts and took my time on the walk instead.

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