Can anyone tell me if they heard of a Lilith Snow?

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So, thankfully we teleported outside the demon dorm door.

Say that five times.

Unfortunately, the guards outside thought I was a demon.

I really had to get that sorted out.

"Hey, what are you doing out here? You guys can't come out yet." The guard said.

"Oh! I'm not a demon, I'm here to find my familiar." I said.

He eyed us but then opened the door and let us through. All the demons were standing outside their dorms looking eager. I felt like prey in their eyes. Sabrina didn't seem to notice.

Sabrina immediately caught the attention of a demon boy around her age. I nudged her, "What about that guy Sabrina? Isn't he cute?"

"Which guy?! Oh, the one with the silvery blue hair? Yeah he's super cute."

"...You're staring Sabrina." She was creeping me out.

"Let me go talk to him, I think he might be the one!" She squealed.

"Yeah, whatever "the one" means." I muttered as she walked towards him and struck up a conversation.

Guess we're doing this ourselves.

I looked around, I didn't really see anyone that could be my familiar. I could see their auras. They were all dim, and weak. Not something I would like to be paired with. They would just be burdens.

Harsh? Perhaps, but I couldn't afford to be embarrassed.

Maybe I won't find a familiar this year.

I felt a hand grab my wrist.

"Hey, what's your probl-"

"You're cute, will you be my familiar?" A boy with startling sea-foam green eyes and black hair cut me off.

I squinted my eyes and saw his aura. It was higher than the rest, but not by much.

Too weak. It's not him.

"I'm not interested, thank you for your offer though." I said as nicely as I could muster and tried to pry my hand away.

His grip got tighter. "Come on, we would be perfect. You're hot. I'm hot. And I'm a pretty strong demon too." He came close and licked my ear before continuing on.


I was disgusted. I felt so disgusting just from that touch. I felt like it was burning me. I needed to get this sorry excuse for a demon off of me. His eyes were burning into me.

"I wouldn't mind having some fun with you." I was done, I didn't show any of my disgust on my face but in my mind I was reeling.

So I smiled and leaned against him, which he took as a good sign. He smirked and began talking, though I wasn't paying attention to any of it.

Demons are so gullible, always thinking their charm is the best.

I came close and whispered "Go to hell." Before setting his eyes on fire.

He was screaming as I walked away, the other demons looking at me in surprise. He would heal, but my fire was too powerful for him to put it out. I decided I wanted to have a bit more fun with this guy. I doused the fire and he turned toward me, growling.

"Do you really want to fight a demon?"

"Sure," I replied "let's see what you can do."

He snarled and shot an orb of darkness towards me. I swiped it away. This one was weak. He seemed even angrier now and sent a huge fireball at me. This time I made the fire into a ring and stepped through. I'm nothing if not a good showman.

"My turn." I felt a bit of darkness overtake me, and I welcomed it.

I conjured and elemental disc (Which I turned into a spike), one of my easiest attacks and shot it towards him. My aim was true and went right through his chest.

The demons around me gasped.

"Had enough?"

He nodded.

I was disappointed. He couldn't even take two proper attacks. Was that the strongest demon they had here?

The air was thick with tension. I doubt I would be safe here much longer.

I removed the disk and healed him, he was a weak demon so I doubted he could do it himself.

Sabrina ran up to me "Are you crazy!?! Doing an elemental disk? That's extremely hard magic, what were you thinking?"

I blinked and said "Hard? It's really not that hard Sabrina. It's just level four magic."

"Look out!" Sabrina yelled.

I turned around and saw a demon hound coming towards me, but before I could even react it vanished.

"Just what is going on here?" A girl with glowing purple eyes and black hair demanded. She glanced in my general direction but quickly disregarded me as someone of no interest.

That was all it took. Something clicked, I don't know what but I knew I wanted her to be my familiar.

It's her.

I squinted but I couldn't see an aura.

Why is it so dark around her?


I realized the darkness that enveloped the room was her aura. Her aura seemed to devour the room, consuming everyone else's aura. Amazing. Her small figure was oozing power.

"This guy laying here got his ass handed to him." I said, seeking her attention.

"He doesn't seem to have any scratches. I smell an elemental disc. Did you heal him?"

Wow, was she that powerful that she could smell magic?

"Yeah, I did. He licked my ear so I blew his eyes up, but I healed that too. Hey, who are you anyways?"

She sighed and shook her head "My name is Lilith Snow. And he deserved that."

Word Count: 927~

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