Chapter 23: Bloodlust

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I put my wrist straight onto her mouth. I heard her growl but she didn't bite. Damn it, she has good self control. I used my other hand and propped her mouth open, where the blood entered her mouth. Her eyes suddenly took their true form and didn't change back.

"Celia no!" I heard Lilith cry out but it was too late. I had made my decision.


I felt sudden pain. I felt her grip my wrist with unbelievable strength and heard my arm break. Ouch.

"Ughh! Let go!" I kicked her repeatedly, but she wouldn't budge. I felt her inject her venom and I felt a rush of ecstasy, but it quickly went away. Since I'm stronger than most, she'll have to pump in much more venom for me to feel like that.

Damn, I can't lose this much blood. I'll be too weak.

There was another way, but it would hurt like hell. I tried to control my breathing, but I was too messed up to control it. I knew what was coming, and so did my body. My back was practically on fire. I twisted and saw my bone pop out of my socket. I grinded my teeth together and twisted my body one more time where I felt my arm twist and break off. Blood sprayed all over my body. I stared at the arm that I twisted off. It was jagged, my bone having spikes at the end and blood gushing out of my wound.

I looked around for my arm and saw Elizabeth draining it of  blood. I felt a throb of pain.

"Huh. It didn't hurt as much as I expected it to." I said, very surprised. I think my body was in shock. Not good.

I spoke too soon. I felt the pain in waves, just crashing and rolling over me. Attempting to drown me in pain, which I wasn't going to let happen. I stood up and willed myself to stay still. After I took a deep breath, I turned my attention back towards Elizabeth. It seemed she was done with my arm, for it was thrown aside.

She looked hungry. Perfect.

"You still hungry Elizabeth?" I asked.

She growled but said nothing. She looked like a feral animal. Her hair was dirty with blood, her face was an absolute monstrosity and her nails had changed into claws.

"Do you want more blood? I'll gladly give it to you if you wish." I said.

Instead of growling, she pounced one me. I dodged her and landed on the ground, my balance suffering because of my arm. The bleeding had stopped but I was in no condition to be fighting. Oh well, I'll manage. I grabbed Lucifer and swung blindly, making me an even more dangerous target to attack.

I used Lucifer as a cane and propped myself up. I looked at my arm. It was starting to regrow already. Wow. Lilith must be extremely powerful for me to be able to regrow my arm already. I looked at Elizabeth and saw her on all fours, ready to pounce. She was starting to annoy me.

"Elizabeth," I said in a mocking tone, "aren't you still hungry?"

She growled and began to circle me. I moved counterclockwise; closer to Lilith . I stopped.

"C'mon dumb bloodsucker! Are you scared of me?" I yelled which caused her to pounce.

Perfect. She saw me smirk but it was too late. I fell against Lilith and she caught me. Elizabeth was sucked into the blood cage.

I looked up at Lilith "Thanks. Now can you..."

"Oh yes. Let me see your arm." She said as she grabbed my arm.

I felt a numbing sensation as I saw Lilith's eyes glow purple. I looked at my arm and saw it regrowing faster than it had before. I closed my eyes (I heard that regeneration works better if your relaxed) and relaxed into her. I heard her make a sound but dismissed it. How relaxing...I wish I could stay like this forever...

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