Chapter 34: Broken Souls

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Lilith reached for me and pulled back again for the millionth time. I wanted to touch her too, to comfort her, but I'd risk injuring myself in the process.

It had been over two hours since the incident and I still didn't know how to take it. First of all, I didn't know what the hell was happening to me. Second, Lilith couldn't touch me. Which sucked.

"Do you wanna see if it wore off?" I asked.

Lilith shook her head, her eyes towards the floor and her body slumped with exhaustion and worry "What if I end up burning you again?"

I grunted in exasperation and stood up. I came towards Lilith and grabbed her hand.

"Bloody hell!" I jerked my hand away after a couple of seconds.

Lilith stood up "Why would you do that? You knew it would hurt!"

"Calm down. Look, it's already going away." I showed her my red palm slowly going back to its normal peachy color.

"Is it wearing off slowly?" Lilith looked intrigued.

"It seems to be so. But we still don't know why it's happening."

"Is it possible that someone casted something on me?" I asked.

"Not unless it was yourself." She chuckled, quickly dismissing the thought "You alone are far more powerful than some student."

"This could be a case of possession." She continued, "Although this one is extremely unique. You have the signs of a possession but it's not from a demon. I can't place the energy. But it's not evil."

This just made everything less clear to me. Why would I be trying to possess myself? How was that even possible? Was I trying to break me and Lilith apart?

No. I would never want that. It's quite the opposite.

I want her as close to me as possible. Mentally, emotionally, physically. My mind and heart yearned for her, even if my body was now seemingly repulsed. I could care less about the pain she caused me.

"Well, since we can't have any fun, might as well get to working on a spell strong enough to distract the Wendigo." I said.

Lilith nodded "We will need something physical. No illusions will fool it."

I flopped back down on the bed "Does that mean I really have to create a whole spell?"

"I can do it." Lilith said.

"No!" Her eyes widened and I cleared my throat "No, it's fine I was just seeing if there were any other possibilities..."

I would not let her take on more work just because of my lazy ass. I could carry my own weight too. I looked back at where Lilith had burned me, wondering what the hell was happening to me.

Possession could have been it, but not from a demon. An angel perhaps? But that seemed impossible, why would a divine being like that possess someone as tainted as me?

I called it an angel because I wanted it to be. I'd rather be possessed by an angel than by a demon.

Although it did make sense. Angels hate demons, I mean absolutely hate them. They could hardly stand being in the same room, much less being touched by something as tainted as that. Perhaps they were burned if they were touched? I've never heard of any story of an angel touching anything that dirty. Nothing much is known about them, even with our resources.

How is it that I was created then?

It's not as if humans have any powers or anything. The only special thing about them is their free will. They don't have to submit to anything except their faith, if they choose. That's why it was important for hunters to have even a shred of humanity inside them. I had the lowest amount possible, so I'm as unstable as can be.

Lilith is a...different matter. She's just made up of one set of DNA. And her DNA is odd, not evil and not pure. She wasn't in between like humans were. Since she was a fallen angel, she was different.

Definitely an internal battle. One that I would not lose. I could not afford to lose my humanity. It was the only thing keeping me sane. Keeping my mind from splitting in two. A fitting analogy.

"I need paper Lilith." She immediately stood up and threw me the notepad.

"And a pen." She tossed it at me.

Really? Was she that afraid to touch me?

"Thank you." I said sarcastically.

I began to brainstorm. What would distract a Wendigo?

According to legend, it's nearly impossible to escape a Wendigo. Hunters by nature,Wendigoes are extremely fast and allow nothing to get in the way of their never-ending hunger. Wendigoes hibernate for months or years but when they wake its back to hunting.

Wendigoes can stealthily stalk victims for extended periods, thanks to supernatural speed, endurance and heightened senses such as hearing so profound they can pick up on panicked heartbeats from miles away.

Taking all that into consideration, I'd need something alive. I'd need a live human, but our whole job was so no more humans would die.

"Are there any burial sites here?"

"Yes, it's unmarked so I'm not sure how many there are. Why?"

"I'm planning a resurrection spell." I quickly began to write the spell.

"Excuse me?" Lilith exclaimed.

"A resurrection spell Lilith. Not their souls, just the body. Enough so the Wendigo thinks it's real. It'll distract it and begin eating them."

"But that would also increase its power." Lilith said

"It won't be a full resurrection. As soon as it's hit, it'll disintegrate."

"It's cave would contain the bodies of victims correct?" I ask, thinking of an even better idea.

"I'm sure there would be plenty. It would be more respectful if we used the unburied remains instead of the Native American grave sites."

She was silent for a second.

"Alright. But the bodies have to be those that went to hell. We have no power over the pure."

That would be a problem. I wonder how devoted they were to their faith. Not only would the spell have a low chance of bringing any bodies back, but it'll also exhaust my magic reserves. It'll be just me and Lilith against a Wendigo.

I looked towards Lilith. My heart ached for her touch, for her happiness. I would give the world just to see her safe. I would give up everything, even if it meant giving up my humanity.

Even if I died during this fight, I would ensure that Lilith would live.

Word Count: 1097~

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