Contract part 1 (chapter 8)

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Disclaimer: This part is not my own. I will include the video up top. I felt that this "songspell" best suited my needs for this part of the story. The original song is by Hitori Omou. The video above is by Amanda Lee, (Amalee) from her YouTube channel "LeeandLie". I have changed some of the words and added some verses to suit my needs as well, but the overall song and music is not my own. Thank you! Enjoy reading!  P.S This is the song I used for the melody, you don't have to play it if you don't want to though, you can read as a chant, let your imagination flow! Thanks.

I combined both songs and changed the lyrics quite a bit, so if they don't make sense that's my bad.

I began to sing my songspell. It had to be sung as perfect as humanly possible or we wouldn't get enough power.

You are the ocean's gray waves
Destined to seek
Life beyond the shore
Just out of reach
Yet may the tide ever change
Flowing like time
The path is yours to climb
Thou seek the light
A hand reaches through the light
A divine sword pierced through
Waking dreams fade away
Embrace the brand new day
Join in my prayer in my song

Of birthrights and love
Sun illuminate the sky
Light take the throne
Lost in thoughts, all alone

I stop and look at Lilith. She begins her part of the song spell. Her voice was beautiful, it sounded like rich velvet. Her eyes and the pentagram began glowing purple. Her form seemed to ripple. My eyes aren't glowing. Yet.

You are the ocean's gray waves
Destined to seek
Life beyond the shore
Just out of reach
Yet may the tide ever change
Flowing like time
The path is yours to claim
Thou call the dark
With an unsheathed sword
Gaze upon an empty white throne,
A legacy of lies,
A familiar disguise.
Sing with me a song
of conquests and fates
The shadow towers over the light
Calm the sun to tarnish in the sky.
Vow that we may tear the light, dark sees the throne.
Night breaks through the day
Pierced like a sword

I join her in the next verse. This is where I choose what place I wanted to be marked. My right eye began to glow (I assumed because that's where I chose).

Lost in thoughts, all alone
The path you walk on belongs to destiny
Just let it flow
All of your joy and your pain all fall like the tide
Just let it flow
Life is not just filled with happiness
Nor sorrow
Even the thorn in your heart
In time it may become
A rose
A burdened heart,
Sinks into the ground
A veil falls away revealing twilight
Not day nor night, wrong nor right
For truth and peace we will fight
Sing with me a song
Of silence and blood
The rain falls but
Can't wash away the blood
Though darkness comes
it cannot overtake the light
Though the swords of light pierce through the dark, it cannot be taken
Within our ancient souls dwells madness and pride
Can no one hear our lonely cry?
We are the ocean's gray waves
Alone destined to seek life beyond the shore
Just out of reach
Yet may the seas current change
Flowing like time
A contract formed under pain
Blood is spilled to bind
The path is willed to change
We together bring harmony

We sigh and begin the last part of our contract song spell. We watch each other carefully.

You are the ocean's gray waves, destined to seek
Life beyond the shore just out of reach
Yet the tide ever change, flowing like time
The path is ours to climb
In endless dreams, countless realms collide
blood mixes with water
Hope falls only to rise like the changing tide
But all dreams come to an end,
Light and dark fight for the throne
Sing with me one last time, for the Earths sacrifice,
Endless peace came but not without a price,
Lost in the waves, a pale blue stone seeks those who bring peace.
I think of you, all alone...

I ended the songspell and said this, "I accept my fate, once something is lost, it can never be regained.". I didn't even see her move, Lilith was in front of me now and she cupped my face with her right hand. I knew this was coming but I couldn't really mentally prepare myself for it.

Explanation! (For those who didn't get it)
Now I'm at the edge of my seat finding out what happens, but I'm sure some explanation is in order. The reason I must sing a song spell and not chant is because a chant is hard to hear in water, and a song spell does more projection in both land and sea, hell and heaven. The reason Lilith has a separate sound proof room for this is because, my blood will stain the floor, and it'll be hard to be quiet.

You'll see what I mean soon enough. The reason we both sing different parts is because this contract is the binding of light and dark. We both sing at the end because this is what we truly are trying to aspire as familiars, equality. I can't tempt her as much as she can tempt me. As true familiars, we are more powerful than anything, but that not may be true in the future. That's why we must keep training and aspiring to be equal in power. If I get hurt, she can heal me, and vise versa, the spells that we put on each other are more powerful than someone else's spell put on us. We had to be marked to show that we belong to each other. For a demon, their marking can be anywhere, the more visible, the more powerful. Same thing for us hunters, the more visible the mark is, the more powerful.

Now, what is the mark? Basically the mark is the pentagram that Lilith drew, her pentagram if you will. There are different pentagrams for every demon, but it's extremely rare for hunters to have one. As luck would have it, I also have a pentagram, and it's the exact same as Lilith's. Since we are true familiars it has to be the same. Lilith's eyes weren't glowing because she chose to be marked there, it was because she liked getting summoned and was trying to contain her form. There is going to be a total of 4 or 5 parts of the contract part alone! Sorry for ending off in a cliff hanger, I hate those too but this gives me enough time to get organized and it's flu season so I'm trying to stay healthy! Happy holidays! I love you guys so much! Take care of yourselves

Word count: 1157~

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