Chapter 41: Soul eater

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The Wendigo is gone?

"What?" I looked around but didn't see it.

The other one came back!

I tensed and look at Lilith who had come to the same conclusion. How did we not see?

How did we not see it, or even feel it's presence?

I sigh. Lilith looks at me expectantly and I turn to the bodies.

"I'm sorry, I'll need to use you a bit more."

The group of corpses said nothing.

"Let's go." I relax Lucifer and start heading outside.

Away from this tainted site.

We've got a rat to catch.

As I neared the entrance of the cave, I see that a blizzard has hit by the way the snow is trailing in the cave.

"It's begun." Lilith whispers.

The Wendigo started the blizzard with its magic. The power that was in every snowflake hit my skin, burning me.

I take a step back. "The snow is infused with magic."

Lilith nods and bites her lip "Will you be alright? Is it enough to harm?"

I shake my head "It barely stings. It won't do much against me."

"You should hea-!" I give Lilith a peck on her cheek before shaking my head.

"Shut up. You know I'd never leave you." I tighten my hold on Lucifer and come to the edge of the cave. I look outside warily. I could barely see a couple feet away from me.

"Plus, you know I'm the one with all the power." I take a deep breath, almost choking on the magic infused snow and walk out onto the blizzard.

In the blizzard there was no way to know which direction to go, the usual landmarks were hidden behind the white that swirled so densely. I could feel my blood cool and my skin become icy before warming again. Even if I was empty of magic, my body would be sure to adapt no matter what. I had gotten used to the burning sensation I felt every time I took a breath.

The perks of being a monster I guess.

I feel the tethers of magic connected to me relax as the corpses got closer to me.

I turned to Lilith, now beside me "What do I do with them?"

She shrugs "Whatever you wish for them to do. All you have to do is command them."

"Easier said than done." I turn to the corpses "I need three of you to climb the trees and the rest of you to surround the perimeter around 100 feet apart in a wide circle." They begin to run to their places and before they get farther I stop two "You two. Come with me."

Lilith chuckles.

My stomach curls in anticipation as I walk towards where the storm is the strongest. I can barely see 6 feet in front of me. I feel all the corpses in their places, awaiting my orders. The strings tighten and shift on my back, tickling me.

Oh you've lost it now Celia.

I turn around and shield my eyes "Lilith?" I yell, unsure if she can hear me.

"Yes? Is something wrong?" She yelled back, her hands cupped over her mouth.

"Can you stop the storm?"

"We need to get to the eye!"

I turn back around. This is going to be impossible.

Who knew the wendigos would play mind games?

I've been walking through the blizzard for over an hour when something other than snowflakes zip past my head. It lands with a loud thud behind me and I look and see that it's a tree branch. I sheath Lucifer, I needed both my hands to get through this.

"We're getting closer!" I yell to Lilith.

She yells something unintelligible before disappearing.

A rush of panic tears through me before she comes back into view.

Disgusting. The voice whispers.

Distgusting lowly mixed-blood.

What should we do next?

These wings keep getting in the way, why don't we just-


I jolt out of my trance and see one of my corpses pinned under a tree branch. I feel one of my tethers pull tight and snap.

"So much for useful." I've got to keep moving, there's no point in remembering the past now.

As I got closer, the wind dashed as if it had been restrained and it was determined to outrun any chaser. The sound of it was a strange song, as if howling yearned for a melody, and I watched the trees join in the scene I got closer to, as if the change, though abrupt and startling, was as welcome as the peace that surrounded me.

I made it into the eye.

I felt myself sink into a state of tension, for I knew what was coming next. The impending was inevitable and I could sense it nearing. It's mind felt connected to mine in some way.

"Well, hello there Mr.Wendigo. Having a nice snow day are we?"

The Wendigo looked taller than before, and I knew this was the one we were after. It's heart was scarlet colored.

"Can you answer a couple of my questions before you try and kill me?"

The Wendigo growled but didn't move from its position.

Did it...understand me?

"Did you create the other Wendigo? Did you drive him to eat another person?" I asked, unsure if it could even speak.

The Wendigo bore its fire red eyes into me. What I felt was hate. Hate. like a volcano, pressure created from hot, boiling magma, that contained enough heat to make diamonds melt. Hate so scorching I felt like I could die.

Yet something told me not to look away.

We stared at each other for a minute.

The pressure drove into my head like a spike and I let out a hiss of pain. The Wendigo looked confused for a second, and it looked away. I felt the pressure and heat disperse almost immediately.

I unsheathed Lucifer. There was no point in talking to a monster like that. With such hatred for humanity.

"Any last words?" I joked, feeling my heartbeat spike as adrenaline coursed through my veins.

I was ready to fight.

And then it opened its mouth and spoke.

Word Count: 1208~

Authors note: Hey guys! I know I've been gone for a while (a long while). I had a lot of stuff going on. But that's really not an excuse. Everyone has a lot of stuff going on right now. I truly apologize from the bottom of my heart. I tried so hard to write this chapter but felt like I couldn't, I was just...stuck for a while you could say. I felt very unmotivated for a long time and I still feel that way. But with recent events taking place I've gotten the drive to write again. I completely stopped writing. I felt like I had to get away. I'm so sorry for not informing you. Words can't describe it. I love you all so much and I'm so glad you stuck around. If you aren't interested in the story anymore I completely understand. I don't deserve this amount of reads or likes for a badly written story like this. That was all I wanted to say, I'm back :)

Love you all,


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2020 ⏰

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