Chapter 12: The Ranking

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Right. The ranking. Tomorrow we will be tested separate from our familiars on the following things

1. Agility
2. Strength
3. Magic
4. Mana
5. Intelligence

The agility test will be easy for me. I've observed previous ranking tests and I've practiced with recreations.

The strength test might be a challenge for me since I can lift around 170 pounds easily but when it gets to the 200's, I struggle a lot.

The Magic test will be the easiest test for me since I've mastered almost all the tier magic spells except Super Tier Magic. I haven't seen the test myself, but they said that our opponent should be of equal power as ourselves, if not better. I can't say for certain if it'll be easy, but I'm sure I'll get a good ranking in that section.

The mana test will be more challenging, which is the whole point. It's supposed to be almost impossible to complete the tasks for regular hunters. Since you have done the magic test before, which is supposed to exhaust you, the tasks will be harder than before with your mana depleted. You mana is based on how much you have learned, if you have learned 5 one tier spells, you have around 100 mana.

If the spells are higher than tier one, your mana would increase. The more spells you have learned, the harder the mana tasks are. The last test, if we make it, is the intelligence test, this test is about your knowledge on how to fight monsters. There are some that most of us have never heard of, but we will be given a synopsis of the monster. The better you do on the tests before, the harder the written test will be. It'll also include common hunter history and weapon history (I don't really use weapons other than knives, so this part might be hard).

The worst part of all of this is that the tests are harder the more spells and mana you have. Including your familiar, your powers are doubled, so that will make the test harder for me and Lilith. Their are around 10 ranks, from least rank to the highest rank it is

1. Stone
2. Steel
3. Copper
4. Iron
5. Silver
6. Gold
7. Platinum
8. Orichalcum
9. Mesarith

And the final one

10. Adamantite

The Three Worst

Stone ranks are simple hunters, and are almost fully human, at least all the ones so far have been. They are pretty weak, but are stronger than regular humans.
The steel ranks are weak as well, but of course, are stronger than stone ranks. They are fast and have low mana. The copper rank is basically at a beginning hunter, their mana is still low, but their agility and strength are abnormally higher than steel and stone.

The Normal Hunter

Iron is a normal hunter, they have a normal amount of mana. They know spells, and have some weapon knowledge. Gold is again, a normal hunter, except that they have either an abnormally high agility grade, or strength grade. They can't have both or they would be placed in Platinum rank. Platinum rank hunters have high ranks on both the agility and strength test but have normal magic and mana test scores. The intelligence on all of these ranks are normal

The Elite Hunters (The Elite Trio)
Its pretty rare for a hunter to get to Orichalcum rank, Orichalcums have abnormally high magic and mana scores, as well as strength scores, but their agility is only slightly better than Platinum and have barely made it to Orichalcum rank. Mesarith metal is basically unbendable, and unbreakable. Only people who have almost perfect scores on all the tests are in this rank. These hunters have an extra power, which is rare in hunters, such as... bending copper and other gems. This is an almost impossible ability to have, even I don't have it. I wonder if Lilith has it, I guess I should ask. I'm about to ask when I think I'd rather be surprised.

Adamantite are hunters that get perfect scores on ALL the tests are in this rank. These hunters have either one extra ability or more. I don't even expect anyone to get this high, even I wouldn't get in there with my current powers. Lilith wouldn't be able too either. But... I never considered that since we are True Familiars our powers are added together and then doubled! This could give me a chance, if I can keep the magic in check, then I can definitely get a perfect score! Lilith shouldn't have much trouble with control. True familiars also are more likely to get a high ranking! Unfortunately, because most hunter have forgotten about true familiars, it's rare to even get top spots like the Elite Trio.

Some time had passed and my head started to droop. Lilith saw this and turned off the T.V, she said "I'm tired, let's go to bed.". I know she wasn't, but it was nice of her anyways. When I remembered the situation I was instantly alert. There was only one bed. Whatever. I could sleep a couple of hours with my FAMILIAR and not do anything. I move a lot in my sleep though. I've never even slept with anyone else... ever. It's going to be hot too. I can't get that kiss out of my head, I know it doesn't mean anything, but still.

She's already on the bed and smirks "Aren't you coming?" I snap back "Are you that eager to sleep with me?" She laughs. Her laugh is like wind chimes, it's beautiful. I've never heard a demon laugh now that I think about it. They were always so serious at the High Chamber. They are just like hunters so it shouldn't surprise me, yet it does. I come to the bed and sit at the edge. When I was getting branded, I didn't get the chance to admire how fluffy and comfortable the bed was, the covers were soft and warm.

I got on the bed and lay down. So comfortable! I didn't go under the covers because... well I never do so that's why. She wasn't under the covers either, it didn't really matter to them I guess, but they preferred cold places. I turn towards her.

"Goodnight Lilith."

"Goodnight Celia."

"I...are you... are you ready for the Ranking tomorrow?"

"I wasn't before, but I am now."

"Why weren't you before Lilith?"

"Because I wasn't powerful on my own to get to Adamantite rank. Now with my power added and multiplied I'm confident I'm going to get Adamantite rank."

"Oh... well you're welcome."

She chuckled "Thank you."

I stared at her for a while. She was so pretty, and powerful, I'm glad we're familiars. My hand was reaching out to brush her hair from her face and she opened her eyes. I jumped a little. She smirked and grabbed my wrist, she rolled me on my back and suddenly, she was on top of me.

"Making a move on me during my sleep?"

I didn't respond, my face was on fire.

With the other hand she had my chin. Was she going to? I couldn't do anything. She leaned down and her hair made a curtain covering us. She leaned down. My eyes widened but I made no move to stop her. She touched my chest, and I drew in a breath. She had tilted her head. Her chest, I noticed, was rising and falling fast, as if she were close to collapsing after a race. She leaned down and our lips brushed.

It was instant, desperate, more like falling over a cliffs edge. Our mouths collided, jolts shuddering through me. How could she make me feel this way? I felt her tongue flicker mine and I heated up. The muscle in Lilith's arms tightened as she swung me into her arms. Her skin was so soft. I clutched at her and shut my eyes. Every movement was fierce and frantic, but most surprisingly, experienced. She had never kissed anyone before, yet Lilith was very experienced. My hands curved over the wings of her shoulder blades. She kissed my throat and I gasped. I arched my back away from her. She went further still and kissed my collarbone. I moaned and drew back.

"We can't Lilith. I've only just met you, though since we are true familiars we already know everything. But it's illegal."

"Your right. I don't want to do that."

"What? Then why di-."

"Because it was the last part of the contract, we are bound now. It meant nothing. It's just something we have to do."

How stupid could I be! Uhhhh! Of course it meant nothing! I don't like her like that. She's my familiar. I got off of her lap and I smiled hotly at her "Good luck at the ranking tomorrow." She chuckled. At least I was able to go to sleep now... after an hour of calming down.

Word Count: 1509~

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