Chapter 25 ~ Myths and Realities

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I never believed in lost loves. Soulmates, love at first sight, all of that bullshit means nothing to me. It's how I keep myself from trying to make relationships last. Girls, guys and everyone in between, no matter who it was, I never wanted to have a relationship stick. Sure they make for a good song topic, but it's never been the case for my personal life.

I feel empty when I'm forced into a relationship, like something is lacking in it. I don't love that person, never have, but it was high school so everyone wants to be in a relationship. Yet in the end I found it pointless.

Eren suggested "Office Space" as a movie to watch about thirty minutes ago. I own it so I put it in before returning to the couch with Eren in my arms. Neither of us are really watching though. His eyes go from the screen to me as I try to figure out what's going through his head.



"Did you... feel something when you kissed me?" he asks as he bites his lip, cheeks turning pink.

"As in?" I raise my eyebrow.

"I... I mean, like, I've kissed, and been kissed before but... I don't know there was something..." He searches for the word.

"Familiar about it." I finish.

"Did you feel like that to?" He softly asks, earning a nod from me. He sighs with a smile, "okay, I thought I was just going crazy." He giggles.

"Well... we both could be going crazy." I tease. He back hands my shoulder, laughing.

The brat glances to my lips then back to my eyes, blushing when he sees that he's been caught. He bites his lip, and I pull the soft pink skin from between his teeth with my thumb. His hand goes over mine as he leans in and connects our lips again.

My body moves on its own, kissing back like Eren is a drug I needed to get my fix of. There's nothing excessive about it, it's simple like something a couple being reunited after months of separation would do. The movements are slow, thought out, rehearsed.

It's not love at first sight, it feels more like a love made over time, built to survive the worse conditions. A love built to survive every storm thrown its way, one not even time could erode.

We're not solemates, we don't have kindred spirits, we just complete each other, like a puzzle we didn't know was missing pieces.

But, maybe, lost loves is more right, we only realized we'd been lost when we were found. Like now, with Eren snuggled into my chest, his perfect plump lips against my pale ones. This is where I truly belong.

(Shit I should be writing this down somewhere, this is some good lyrical shit)

His hand makes its way to the back of my neck, playing with my undercut. It feels amazing as his nails trail between the short strands.

We break for a series of short kisses, since we both know it's not going any further, and eventually stop. Eren lays his head on my chest, returning his eyes to the screen.

"Promise that we'll get through this." He softly mumbles. "Say we'll be able to live how we want, that Lovof will just be a bad dream."

"Your future is in your hands Jaeger. So it's up to you to choose what path you take."

"Levi, are you really going to help me?"

"There's still a doubt in your mind?" I smirk slightly, and he smiles.

"Not anymore."

The movie ends a few minutes later and Eren sits back on the couch so I can get up. I take the opportunity to not only start the next load and get the second drying but also to choose the next movie. I'm feeling like a horror comedy, so I put "Shaun of the Dead" in.

I sit on the floor to start folding clothes as the muted TV projects the opening commercials to its viewers.

"Eren, I... if you want... meaning you don't have to..." I can't fucking speak right, it's pissing me off. Why am I even doing it? Its stupid. I'm stupid, I'm stupidly in love with this brat. I need to stop, it's so out of the blue. Fuck it. "Willst du in einer Beziehung mit mir sein?"

Its silent for a moment, then Eren laughs a little. "I didn't think my German was that bad, there's no way you just-"

"I did." I'm met with silence again, so I turn to him. "You don't have to say yes or anything, I admit it's weird and just horrible timing, but I just needed-"

"Shut up. Yes, I'd love to!" He exclaims, hugging my neck tightly.

I hug him back gently, softly laughing. He holds me closer, like he wants to make sure everything is real.

"Holy shit, I'm dating L from No Name."

Hey lovely readers, sorry for the wait, Halloween is extremely busy for my family, we're all insane with our costumes and my littlest sister happened to be born then as well. Yeah... It's crazy. Anyways, sorry for the shorter chapter, I'll have the standard length chapter next Sunday. Alright thanks for understanding and I love you all!!!

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