Chapter 6

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"Ugh Yea that's me" I laugh awkwardly.
Shawn sits and begins signing some posters and merch.

"So, you ever been to Canada before?" He says glancing up at me.

"Nope" I laugh, I must sound either brave or stupid.

"Well I hope you like it, are you meeting up with people or solo travelling?" He asks.

"Just on my own but I hope I'll make friends as I go along, my friend travelled Thailand last year solo and she had made lots of friend from staying in hostels"

"That's cool, I wish I had been that brave at your age" he says looking impressed.

"Well considering I'm older than you, you still can be" I say laughing, this was a common occurrence for me.

"What? I'm sorry I just thought" he says looking confused.

"Yea I'm 20, don't worry people always think I'm younger than I am" he looks a little embarrassed, we pose for a photo which and I collect my things to move along.

"Wait Jenny" he says as I turn to leave "what's your plans for Canada?" He asks casually.

"Ugh I don't really know, I have a rough plan but I'm sorta winging it if I'm honest" I admit.

"Oh okay, well I hope you enjoy it" he says before giving me a hug goodbye.
I head to my seat which is amongst other fans who have vip tickets, we talk about meeting Shawn and the girls give me some tips on what to see whilst I'm in Canada, I'm so glad they're so friendly otherwise I'd just be sitting here on my own.
The concert started shortly after, we sing our hearts out to all the songs and I video my favourite songs.
After the concert was over I say bye to the girls And we exchange twitter names, I head to the taxi, once back at the hotel I walk to a near by store and get some snacks. I lay on the bed scrolling through social media and eating, I check if Hayley had uploaded anymore Instagram stories but she hasn't and she's actually taken the earlier one down. I text into the girls group chat to tell them all about the concert, but they don't reply as they're all asleep, since its 4am at home. I also should be asleep so I get ready for bed and slide in under the duvet, I add some videos I took at the concert to my instagram story then put my phone on the charger.
I lay in bed for a while my mind is all over the place, I'm so excited about being here, I'm also terrified about travelling alone and I'm pissed at Will. Exhaustion finally takes over and I fall asleep, when I wake I look over at the alarm clock '05:33' I guess my body thinks its time to wake up, I manage to sleep for another hour but when I wake again I know there is no way I'm getting back to sleep.
I get up and shower before making myself a cup of coffee from the little sachets in the hotel room, I sit at the window watching the city and telling the girls about my trip so far.

Alice: 'I'm so jealous!!! I want to see the pic of you and him asap'
referring to the meet up photo.

Jenny: 'I haven't even seen it lol once they email it to me I'll send it'

Grace: 'my travelling is going great too thanks for asking'
Our group chat was super sarcastic, if someone read it they'd probably we think we all hated each other.

Lucy: 'if Shawn Mendes isn't involved in your travels we don't care x'
Lucy: 'jk, your photos looking amazing Grace I'm also jel of you'

Jenny: 'so did anyone see Will in Hayley's instagram story?'

Clara: 'Omg yes! I didn't want to say anything because I didn't know if you'd seen it'

Lucy: 'no! When was this? She doesn't have any stories up'

Jenny: 'Yea she's taken it down, weird'

I go onto twitter and see I have a direct message I'm guessing it's from one of the girls from the concert. I click into the message tab and can see the one message I have.
@ShawnMendes: 'Hey Jenny, I found your twitter from the competition and I...' I choke on my coffee.


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