Chapter 28

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I wake the next morning still in my dress, it was nearly 5am before I got to bed and I was too exhausted to change. I roll over and grab my phone and begin watching people's Instagram and snapchat stories from last night, my standard morning after a party activity.
After a few I find one of my lecture to Will and then telling them to get out, I feel bad after watching it back but I can't change it now.
My phone buzzes with a FaceTime call from Grace.
"Hi" I groan looking at my reflection in the camera.

"Hold on one second" she says before tapping the screen, she adds Alice and Clara to the FaceTime call and I head to Lucy's room so she can be part of it too. I collapse on the bed waking Lucy.

"You guys looks rough" Alice says. Lucy and I look at each other, still in our outfits from last night and makeup half removed.

"Okay so explain Oliver's snapchat story" Grace says, referring to the video of me shouting at Will. Lucy and I tell them step by step what happened.

"Were you drunk?" Clara asks me.

"No! I'd only had one drink" I say and we all laugh.

"Can't believe they had the nerve to show up! Will needed that lecture to make him realise that he was being an asshole" Alice says.

"Yea he clearly didn't even realise that what he'd done was out of line" Clara says and we all agree.
Once the FaceTime is over I take a shower and get some breakfast, well breakfast at 3pm.

"Ugh look at this place" Lucy moans looking at the mess, as I sit perched on the only free space on the sofa munching on my cereal.
We clean up then decide to have a movie day since Lucy has a killer hangover and it's raining. My phone buzzes.

'have a good party?'

'You have no idea 😅'

'oh tell me the gossip'
I send him the video of Will and I.

'he said that's he'd done nothing wrong
and basically that I'd been implying
to people that he cheated on me and
then that video happened'

'Remind me not to make you angry 😉
for real though you're such a badass lol'

'Lol Thanks, was I too harsh?
I feel kinda mean looking back on it'

SM: 'No way, you had a very valid point
and the fact he didn't retaliate emphasises that'
I let out a sigh of relief, I just hope everyone thinks that.
Shawn ends up falling asleep whilst talking to me as he usually does but I don't mind because I know how hard he finds it to get to sleep, I worry what happens when I'm not able to talk to him.
I debate texting Will to apologise but Lucy tells me I'm being too soft on him and to just leave it, I hate that I still have a soft spot for Will but I can't seem to stop myself. We order in pizza and continue watching movies.

"Look" Lucy says suddenly making me jump, I look at her phone and see Hayley's new Instagram post of her and Will captioned 'back where he belongs ❤️', I scoff.

"She can have him" I say rolling my eyes, I'd be lying if I said it didn't sting just a little.

"She's acting like a child, strong women don't let guys divide them, especially when you've done nothing to hurt her" Lucy says.

I watch the end of the movie before excusing myself, I head to my room and begin to journal. An hour passes and I've been writing and doodling my feelings, sometimes I find it easier to draw something rather than write it.
I lay on the bed and stare at the ceiling 'I'm not crying' I think, maybe this is the first sign that I'm getting over Will. Not that I didn't feel sad but I definitely didn't feel as sad as I used to.

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