Chapter 49

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I wake early, the sun shines through my window as I'd forgotten to close my curtains over last night. I walk over and look out, I wish I had a balcony like Shawn, I loved watching the city from it.
I love Sunday morning, it's my favourite part of the week. I make a mug of coffee and take it back into my room so I can sit at the window and look out over the city. I browse Spotify for a playlist, Shawn and I's collaborative playlist crops up as I scroll, I click into it and begin to queue some songs. When I reach the bottom of the playlist and see a few new songs have been added recently, I quickly scroll back to the top and check the last time the playlist had been edited, 'edited: 2 hours ago' I can't believe he still listens to this, maybe he also likes to painfully reminisce by listening to these songs. I listen to the new songs he's added, there acoustic and chilled - perfect for Sunday morning.
I spy Michael returning from his morning jog, we should go something fun today. I slip off the window sill and get into the shower, I dress in high waisted jeans with a T-shirt tucked in loosely, I put on some white trainers and grab a jacket. I knock on Michaels door and he tells me to come in.

"Morning" I beam. "What are your plans on this glorious Sunday?"

"You're in a good mood! I have no plans whatsoever" he says.

"Let's do something fun, I'm don't want to sit around all day" Michael sets down his book and grabs a jacket before we walk to his car. I immediately grab the aux cord and begin playing music, Michael doesn't seem to mind. We pull into a small parking lot at a diner, the waitress shows us to a booth by the window sitting opposite each other.

"I must say your music taste is very strange, we must have listened to 5 different genres on the way over here" Michael says after a moment.

"Yea I know, my playlist is purely made up of songs that I think are good, I don't really care about genres, did you like the songs?"

"Some, but mostly not at all" he says and I smile. "Just not my sort of taste"

"Thanks" I say.

"Thanks? I just said I didn't like them?"

"Yea but you didn't say, 'your music taste sucks' or 'that type of music is shit' which is what most people say when they don't like someone else's music taste" I explain. "I hate when people do that, because first of all it's my music taste and secondly, they have no idea why I like that song, it could mean a lot to me and when they say it's shit it kinda hurts"

Micheal nods "Yea I get that, It's hard for me to understand music meaning so much to you since I don't really listen to it, but the same goes for me and my books I suppose"

"There's a song out there that you will love, I guarantee it" I go back to browsing the menu before ordering pancakes. "How do you know about this place? It's so cute" I say as I look around at the diners interior.

"My dad does a flights to Canada quite a lot and he talks about this pace all the time"

"Oh okay that's cool, so do you ever get to go places with your dad?"

"Sometimes, he gets discount flights for us, been to most of Europe, Canada once and New York a few times" he says.

"That's cool" I say and he shrugs. Our food arrives and we begin eating.

We eat in silence, both watching people pass by the window, the bell attached to the door dings and I immediately look up.

"Are you going to flinch every time some comes in?" Michael complains "You've been on edge since you heard Peter was back in town".

"Sorry I don't mean to" I sigh.

"What's he look like? I can help keep an eye out for him" Michael says, I panic, will he know it's Shawn when I show him a photo? Or is he really that oblivious about celebrities.

"I don't have any photos" I lie.

"Huh yea right, you're a bad liar" Michael smirks, we both glance at my phone on the table before reaching for it simultaneously. Michael is faster and snatches it, he enters my passcode firstly try. "Oh don't look at me surprised, you enter it into your phone in front of me at least 20 times a day" I suppose that's true, if I was as observant as Michael I'd probably know a lot of people phone passcodes. Michael scrolls for a while stopping and flicking through some photos. "This him?" He asks turning my phone to show the photo of Shawn sleeping on my shoulder, I nod. "he looks familiar, have you got any photos of him in your apartment?" I shake my head. Michael swipes through a few more before I snatch the phone from his grip.

"That's enough" I say.

"He's a good looking kid" Michael says and I nod, not sure what to reply. We finish our food and get back into Michaels car, he keeps bringing up Shawn saying how he looks familiar and asking me questions, I grow frustrated and wish he'd just stop talking about him. We pull up at a view point a few miles out of the city.

"Are you sure I've never seen him before?" Michael asks.

"Yes" I say bluntly as I get out of the car, I walk briskly over to the wall to see the view. I stop taking a few deep breathes. Michael walks over to join me but I don't acknowledge him, the view of the city I really nice but I'm in such a foul mood that I can't even fully appreciate it.

"Can I see a photo of him again?" Michael asks and I audibly groan in frustration.

"Can you just drop it? I don't want to talk about him" I say before walking back to the car.

"Why are you being so weird about this?" Michael asks following me.

"I'm not, I just don't want to talk about it" I cross my arms. "Can you unlock the car please"

"No, not until you tell me what's wrong"

"Nothing is wrong"

"Liar" Michael says sternly.

"I'm not lying" I say.

"Just tell me"

"There's nothing to tell" I insist.

"Are you sure?" He questions.


"Positive? Because now would be a great opportunity" I pause, does he know? Or he at-least knows something isn't right.

"What do you want me to say?" I ask.

"You're so bloody stubborn, you know that?" He says throwing his hands in the air in frustration.

"What are you-" I begin.

"You're in love with fucking Shawn Mendes! Do you think I'm an idiot?" Michael blurts out before laughing.

"I'm not in love" I quickly defend. "wait, you knew?"

"I know what he looks like, you must think I really do live under a rock" he says and we both start laughing. "I was trying to convince you to just tell me but you're so stubborn"

"I'm sorry I just didn't know how to tell you" I explain.

"Please explain how you managed to get yourself into this situation" Michael says and I start laughing, I wish I knew.


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Only one more chapter to go!

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