Chapter 13

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We go to three different Museums, I actually really like museums I don't find them boring at all.
We head back to the apartment and I make us some pasta for dinner to say thanks to Shawn for letting me stay.

I change into some jeans and a button down short sleeved blouse, we get into Shawns jeep and drive to the theatre. He lets me play my music on the way, asking me the names of the songs he likes. I forget that most of the bands I like aren't known outside the UK.
We pay and take our seats, Shawn chats to people he knows and I smile politely as he introduces me to them. He just says I'm a friend opposed to telling them that he let me yesterday and now I'm staying in his apartment.
Once the play is over Shawn and I go backstage so he can talk to his theatre friends, we then head back into his jeep.

"God I miss acting there" He sighs. I don't really know what to say.

"Did you act there often?"

"Yea in high school I did as many plays as I could" he laughs.
We drive back into the city and Shawn parks before we walk the short distance to the Toronto sign.
He takes a couple of photos of me beside it, He then takes a selfie of us both which I'm a bit surprised at.
We sit down on a bench near by.

"So what's the deal here?" I ask and he raises an eyebrow "can I tell people that you let me stay at your place or do I have to take this to the grave?" I say and he laughs.

"I don't really know, I feel never taken in a stray Irish girl before" he says and I laugh. "suppose you can tell your friends at home just don't go telling any crazy fans and definitely don't tell people where my apartment is" he stresses he apartment point.

"Okay so I guess I can't post this selfie either?" I say looking at it on my phone.

"Yea you can, just post the caption as if you randomly met me here" he says before snatching my phone from my hand.

"Hey!" I shout trying to take the phone back but he holds it up over his head whilst typing. I climb onto the bench and try to reach it but he's already achieved whatever he'd set out to do.
He comes over and stands opposite me, the bench making us stand face to face. I cross my arms and act mad at him.

"Oh come on now, promise I didn't do anything bad" he says grabbing my arms trying to unfold them, I break into laughter and fight against him. He's so close to me and we catch eye contact and I freeze, it's pretty dark but I can still see his brown eyes. I break eye contact after a second and grab the phone from his hand.

He's posted the selfie on my instagram with the caption 'OMG I just met Shawn Mendes 😍 #hottie' I cringe at it before editing it to say 'just ran into this guy' leaving the hashtag. 

He reads it and looks up at me raising an eyebrow.

"Yes?" I ask.

"Nothing" he says before getting up, we head back to the apartment. I change into my pjs and join him on the sofa.

"You're doing well tonight, this time last night I was carrying you to bed" he says with a smirk.

"Ha" I say sarcastically. "You could've just woke me"

"I didn't want to, you looked cute" he says.

"You're such a flirt" I say hitting him lightly on the shoulder.

"Can't help it" he says shrugging.

I go onto my Instagram and my photo has already got over 40 likes, which is a lot for me. I set my phone on the coffee table and get up to get myself some water. My phone starts buzzing and Shawn leans over to read it.

"It's your mom" he says and I roll my eyes before head over and answering.

"Hey mum" I say as I head out onto the balcony closing the door behind me.

"I'm actually in Canada, So this call is probably costing you a lot of money" I say but she insists it's fine. I fill her in on my life since she last called before hanging up.

"You spell 'mom' wrong" Shawns says when I renter the apartment, I give him a fake smile. "What's up?" He asks.

"Ugh nothing my mum just infuriates me" I say collapsing onto the sofa.


"She doesn't contact me for months then calls acting like were best buddies, it pisses me off" I say.

"Oh" He says.

"Maybe I'm just being ungrateful, some kids don't have mums" I say.

"No I don't think you are, it sounds like a crap situation, why doesn't she call?"

"She's busy living the high life with her rich boyfriend, but yea it's whatever" I say now done talking about her because I don't want to be in a bad mood. "think I'm gonna head to bed" I say before getting up.

"Jen are you sure you're Okay?" Shawn says.

"Yea I'm fine, she's just got me in a mood" I say giving a small smile, Shawn jumps to his feet running over to me and hugging me, lifting me off my feet and I laugh.

"There now you can go to bed" he says releasing me.


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