Chapter 7

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I quickly click in to read the rest '...was wondering if you would like a tour guide to show you around Toronto, you seemed a little nervous and I know the city really well - Shawn' (sent 01:14)

I read the message 10 times over and double check its actually from Shawn and not a fake account before tapping the reply bar. After almost 10 minutes of typing and then deleting I decide on that reply.

@Jen_Matt97: 'Hi, that would be great! Thank you so much' (sent 07:46)

I lock my phone and head down for breakfast, I have a walking tour at 9am so after I eat I head back up to my room, pack the last of my things and apply sun cream as my skin hasn't seen sun like this in nearly a year. I french braid my hair as I don't want it in my face but I think it looks cuter than just tying it up.
Once I've sorted all my things I sit on the bed and look up directions to the tour.

On my way out I fill my reusable coffee cup and my water bottle at the breakfast buffet, which probably isn't allowed but I highly doubt I'll ever be back in this place, I could never afford it.
The tour begins at a huge train station which is perfect because they have lockers, I put my rucksack into a locker and head out to look for the tour guide. The tour is really interesting, I make friends with a girl from Florida and we take turns taking photos of each other at some of the landmarks.
The tour finishes up at city hall, I head to a park to sit down for while because we just walked for over an hour, I sit on the grass and quickly check my twitter.

@ShawnMendes: 'wow you're up early, guessing you're already out in the city, what are your plans?' (Sent 09:43)

@Jen_Matt97: 'Jet lag wouldn't let me sleep any longer lol I'm actually just finished a tour and sitting in a park near city hall' (sent 10:37)

@ShawMendes: 'Perfect ill meet you there about 11? If that's okay, if you have other plans just say' (Sent 10:42)

@Jen_Matt97: 'No I would really appreciate your guidance! I'm just sitting under some trees near the entrance' (Sent 10:44)

I then realise I've haven't actually told him the park I'm at so I quickly send him the name of the park and wait. He doesn't reply after a couple of minutes so I lock my phone and immediately begin panicking, I may have sounded cool and calm over text but in person I was awkward and shy at the best of times, never mind with a super famous person that I have a major crush on.

I sit with my legs crossed picking the grass in front of me nervously when I see a guy with black skinny jeans a plain tshirt and trainers heading towards me, he slides his sunglasses down for a moment he peering over them checking to make sure its me before sliding them back up.

"Hey" he says sitting on the grass beside me.

"Ugh hi" I say smiling at him, I'm so starstruck.

"So what's up? How's your time in Canada been so far?" He says casually.

"Uhm warm" I mutter and he laughs.

"Not used to this weather huh?"

"Not at all I think Ireland get about 3 days a year like this" we both laugh. "But yea so far I really like it but I have only really been here a day" I can't believe how calm I feel, I'm not intimidated by him at all.

"Well what did you see on your tour?" He asks and I list off the places we visited. "Okay let me think where we should go" I sit and watch the other people in the park whilst he thinks. "Okay I think I have a plan but first of all I want to get to know you, purely for tour purposes of course" he gives me a mischievous smile.

"What do you want to know?" I ask.

"Anything" he smiles, now to make my life sound somewhat exciting.

"Uhm well I'm Jenny Matthews, I'm 20 and from Northern Ireland"

He cuts me off "sorry but why do you say Norther Ireland and not just Ireland" he asks.

"Well Northern Ireland is this section of Ireland that is part of the UK, there's a whole big history on it but yea were on the island of Ireland but we are under British rule, where as Ireland have their own government" he nods.
"So yea I'm from Northern Ireland, I've just finished my second year of university and uhm" I think of one last thing to say "I have a really cute dog" I say with a small chuckle. "Anything else you wanna know?" I ask.

Shawn thinks for a second. "you have any siblings?" He asks.

"Ugh yea a little sister" I say looking at the ground, I don't really like discussing family. He must notice my sudden change of tone and changes the subject.


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