Chapter 40

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"What the-" I say as a news headline catches my attention. 'Shawn Mendes cheats on girlfriend with fan' I quickly click into the article and begin reading, I'm immediately skeptical as this news source isn't the most reliable and this doesn't sound like Shawn. 'Ex girlfriend found lyrics that implied he had feelings for another girl' once I finish the article all I've learned is that it's all bullshit and that Shawn didn't actually cheat on anyone, just a headline to catch attention. It's obvious Bree has sold this story to a news station and let them twist it to make more money, without regard to Shawns feelings.

"Jenny, lunch is over" my boss says as he enters the room, I quickly lock my phone and get back to work. Shawns single I smile a little but it quickly fades, I don't allow myself to feel even a glimpse of hope Shawn and I will never be! Stop torturing yourself over some guy.
By the time I get home the news article has blown up, its trending on Twitter, E news have a post up about it and I've received multiple texts about it. I immediately text Shawn to see if he's okay.

'Hey, you Okay? 😊'

I wait for a while but no reply so I begin cooking my dinner, once I've loaded my plates into the dishwasher my phone begins buzzing on the table top, I lunge over and grab it.

'Worst day ever'

'Yea I read the article
Although anyone with half
a brain would know you'd never
be a cheater'

'my management are so mad at me
for the negative press, Bree hates me and is refusing to take
back the cheating allegation and I have a deadline to meet
for demo recordings that I don't think I'll be able
to meet now'

'it will be fine, these things pass.
Bree will have her five minutes
of fame and move on'

'I feel like I've really screwed up this time'

'nothing is so badly screwed up that it can't
be fixed, everything will work out,
People know you're a good guy'

'You really think that?'


'I'm so glad I have you, you're the first person today that hasn't been mad at me.
I just wish you were here'

My heart flutters.

'Maybe I'll be back in Canada someday, but
right now you need to focus on making
that song she dumped you for into a hit'

'I was secretly relieved that she
found it, I felt guilty'

'So the lyric part of the story is true?
What was it about?'

'Must some conflicting feelings I've
been having, probably best we broke up'

'Sounds like me and Greg'

I immediately regret this text because I know what he's going to reply.

'you had conflicting feelings?'
'About who?'

I stare at the screen panicking, should I ale up something to avoid that awkwardness or just tell him that I still liked him.

'You don't have to tell me sorry
I'm be intrusive'

'No it's fine, I was a little all over the place,
but I still had feelings for you that I
hadn't fully gotten over'

'Oh, you over them now?'

'I don't know'

'Well thanks for checking up on me,
Means a lot'

Great, I basically just told him I still have feelings for him and he ends the conversation.

'Well I'm glad you're okay'

The weeks come and go and I'm too busy to really even notice, work has become hectic. I sit on the closed toilet seat, playing a game on my phone, the bathroom is the only place that I can escape everyone and just have a minute to myself. I finally head back to my desk, I slump back into my seat and check my emails.

There's an email is from the boss:
'Attention all, full staff board meeting tomorrow at 9am. Important opportunities up for grabs so make it a priority to be there.'

"Hey did you see that email from nick?" I ask Charlotte.

She pulls out her left earphone. "Yea, what did you think the 'important opportunities' are?"

"No idea, hopefully a promotion" I say and she smiles. "I can't stand these monotonous jobs much longer" I say, if one more person asks me to print and fold up drawings I might scream.

"I thought you loved doing all the shitty jobs no one else wants to do" Charlotte says sarcastically and I laugh. She spins around to face her computer again. If a promotion is up for grabs I'm all in, I don't care where it takes me as long as it's out of this office.


Thanks for reading and all your sweet comments!!
Also have you guys seen Shawns new Calvin Klein ad!!! 🤤 10/10 would recommend looking it up if you haven't lol

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