Chapter 29

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Christmas and new year are amazing, it's good to have all the girls back together and spend time with my family. Once the holidays are over Shawn heads back on tour, meaning we talk on nights when he can't sleep. I have exams coming up to i'm usually up late studying, so the time differences don't really matter.

*2 weeks later*
"I'm so glad that's over, now for some actual relaxing" I say to my classmate as we leave our last exam. I power walk to the car and drive back to my house, the other girls I live with have already finished their exams so we all go out for dinner to celebrate. I've planned to stay in my student house tonight before driving home tomorrow and having a full week of no stress before second semester begins.
I'm laying in bed reading for the first time in a long time and my phone lights up beside me.

SM: "sent a voice note"
I hit play and listen.
"Do you got plans tonight? I'm a couple hundred miles from Ireland, and I was thinking I could fly to your hometown tonight, cause I-I-I can't get you of my mind" His voice is angelic, I can't stop smiling but I'm completely confused. I try to to think of what he means, then I remember Shawns tour dates for Dublin were around this date.

'are you coming to Ireland tonight?'

'well technically tomorrow morning
but that didn't work for the song lol'

'Not going to lie that was the
cheesiest things ever'
'I loved it'

'Hey I've been stuck in this airport
hotel for over an hour and I'm borrrrred
but I'm glad you can appreciate my cheesiness'
'Also, I may have changed my flight from Dublin to Belfast
so I'll be needing a tour guide to show me around?'

I sit up and reread the message, I'm filled with so much excitement to see Shawn again I can hardly believe it. The fact he's also made an effort means he wants to see me too.

'I guess it's time for me to return the favour'
'So I have less than 12hours to come up
with a tour?'

'Yup! I land at 7:45am. I can get a taxi
to the city and meet you?'

'don't be silly, I can lift you it's only
10minutes away'

Shawn POV:
Getting no sleep wasn't anything new but now I couldn't sleep from excitement rather than anxiety. My alarm beeps and I have a quick shower before getting some breakfast, once the gate is called I head straight there and board. The planes ride is only about 40 minutes From London so I have a short nap which only makes me feel even more tired. I head for the baggage reclaim, I'm so excited that I catch myself practically Running out of the airport and have to stop myself.
Once the automatic doors slide open I see her leant again the bonnet of the car waiting, beautiful as ever. I smile instantly at her as she plays with her sleeves. At least she's nervous too.

Jenny POV:
I wake at 7am and shower, I comb some anti frizz oil through my hair with my hands before hair drying it a little. I put on some jeans and warm woollen sweater. I rush downstairs to quickly to eat some cereal, grabbing my coat and my bag as I head to the car. I have to wait a couple of minutes for the car to heat up before I start my journey, I pull the sleeves of my jumper over my hands to keep them warm against the cold steering wheel.
I receive a text from Shawn saying he's about to collect his bag just as I pull into the car park, I nervously play with my sleeves as I wait. I look up and see Shawn in black jeans, boots and a coat. He smiles and waves and I can't help but smile like an idiot, I still can't believe I get to see him again. I've never felt this excited and nervous about someone.

"Hey" I say enthusiastically as he approaches.

"Hi" he laughs a little before giving me a huge hug lifting me off the ground due to the height difference, I've missed him so much.

"Welcome to Ireland" I say. "This is Betsy" I say motioning to my car, which is very old and in need of a paint job.

"Uhmm" Shawn begins looking at the car with a puzzled expression.

"It was my grans car, when she drove" I explain and Shawn nods.

"I'll just put this in the trunk" Shawns says carrying his bag around to the back of the car.

"You mean the boot" I say and he rolls his eyes. "How was your flight?"

"I was sleeping for most of it, but Ireland looks really nice from a a plane window, well what saw of it " he says and I laugh a little. Since the suns only beginning to rise now it's still dark. We get into the car and I drive back into the city centre, I park and we walk to a coffee shop since nowhere else is open yet, I order us some coffee whilst Shane finds a seat.

"What are you smiling at?" Shawn asks and I suddenly release that I have been smiling this whole time.

"I'm just happy" I say.

"Bout what?" Shawn asks.

"Well my exams are over and my favourite Canadians is here" I say.

"Oh really?" Shawn asks with a smirk.

"Yea I heard Ryan Gosling is here" I say pretending to look around for him, his smirk disappears and he looks away before we both start laughing.

"That was mean" Shawn says and I smile at him. "I thought you'd miss me" he pouts.

I roll my eyes "of course I did you dork" I say giving him a playfully shove and he smiles widely.
I take Shawn on the tour of titanic quarter where they built the titanic. I show him some of the main parts of the city such as city hall, botanic gardens and some Cathedrals.

"Well that's the main parts of the city really" I say and Shawn looks at me in shock.

"Really? It's not even midday" he says checking his watch.

"Belfast isn't that big, and I could show you more but the city has nothing on the coast! Which is where we're headed next" I say as we walk back to the car.
"Could you grab a tape out of the glove box?" I ask as I pull out of the car park. Shawn opens the glove box and pulls out some tapes and reads them.

"This is so old school, how did you get these?" He asks inserting one of the tapes into the cars stereo.

"I got them online, a company just takes your playlist and puts it on tape" I say "pain in the ass but cheaper than a new car" I shrug and he laughs.
I take Shawn to the main points along the coast which are old castles, a beach where a heard of cows roam freely and finally the Giants Causeway.

"I love Canada But this is really awesome" Shawn says as we look over the view from the top a cliff on the path we are walking.

"The coast always beats the city in my opinion" I say as I sit on a small stone wall and Shawn joins me.

We sit in silence for a moment "Are we good?" Shawn asks and I look at him confused. "I feel like after the whole phone call thing this been a little awkward" he says twiddling his thumbs and looking at his feet.

"Shawn that was months ago, why didn't you say anything?" I say and he shrugs.

"I don't know, I just feel like you're still mad at me. I really am sorry" he apologises.

"You don't have to apologise, you didn't do anything wrong! It was just bad timing" I say.

He lets out a deep breath. "I still feel guilty" he admits. "I was lonely and I couldn't sleep, it was dumb" he says running his fingers through his hair.

"Now you're making me feel guilty, stop beating yourself up" I say resting my hand on his knee. "We're just friends anyway right?" I ask and Shawn looks up at me.


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