Chapter 21

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The next morning I shower, carefully trying to no wet my tattoo and put on a tshirt tucked loosely into high waisted short and my red chucks as usual. I apply my anti frizz product into my wet hair and head to get breakfast.
I can hear Shawn singing in the kitchen as he butters his toast, his hair still untouched from sleeping. I lean on the counter and watch him, he starts to smile once he notices my presence.
"Toast?" He asks.
"Please" I say before he puts two more pieces of bread in the toaster. I make us some coffee and we sit at the table eating.

"So how long is the drive to Niagara?" I ask.

"Almost 2 hours" Shawn says. "You can pick the music" he smiles up at me.

"Your the first guy that's ever liked my music taste" I say rolling my eyes at the memories of Well refusing to listen to my music or criticising it when he did.

"Who said I liked it? I'm just being a gentleman" Shawn says smirking. "Just kidding, although if you had some Drake in your playlist it would be better"

"What's your Spotify name?" He types it in and I change the settings so he can also add songs to my playlist I use for road trips.

"There, add what ones you want" I say and Shawn hands my phone back and pulls out his own adding a few songs in. "Eww your butter fingers have made my screen all greasy" I say snd he laughs.

Once we finish he reaches over me to lift my plate, kissing my on the cheek. I put my hands over my face to cover my blushing, but Shawn comes over pulling them away forcing me to look at him.
"You're so beautiful" he says before kissing me, to say I'm on cloud 9 would be an extreme understatement. We stop kissing because I can't stop smiling and which makes Shawn laugh.
We grab our things before heading to the jeep. I listen to the music but quickly grow bored.
"Lets play 20 questions, take it turn about and we both answer. They can be dumb things like what's your favourite colour? Mines red" I say.

Shawn smiles "Green, okay place you want to travel to most?" He says "I'm going to say Northern Ireland since you've talked it up so much" he winks at me.

I roll my eyes "I'm going to say either Tokyo or Iceland"

"I never thought of Iceland, I want to go there too" he interrupts.

"Okay favourite sing at this present moment" I say then hesitate thinking for a second.

"Well I've been listening to Drakes new album a lot but I'm going to say Alessia Cara a little more, it's such a sweet song" Shawn says. I search Spotify and play the song he's talking about and listen to it.

Once the songs over I say "Well mine is Lany thru these tears, it's been stuck in my head since I first heard it" I say as I hit play. "It's the best break up song ever" I close my eyes and bop along to the music making Shawn chuckle.

The rest of the journey turns into us playing songs and explaining why we like them or memories tied to them.
We arrive at Niagara Falls, we do a tour and Shawn takes some pictures of me by the falls. He's wearing sunglasses and a cap in the hopes he won't get recognised, because there's a lot of people but no one is expecting him or really paying attention.
We head to a cafe to get some lunch, it has a view of the falls and Shawn asks for a table at the window. The waitress realises it's him and quickly scrambles to pick up menus and take us to the table.
"That poor waitress nearly had a heart attack" I say.
"She gave us a great table though" he says looking out.

"Yea it's amazing" I lean my chin on my hand and stare out, Shawn takes a photo of me.

"Hey! Let me see that" I say.

"You look good" he says turning the phone around, it's not the bus photo of me but he seems to like so I don't say anything.
We finish eating then go on a boat tour, which is amazing and a little scary being that close to the falls in a small boat. We get some ice cream and enjoy the view of the falls one last time before heading back to the jeep.
Shawn stops at a supermarket and we get out.

Morning Looks Good on You - [Shawn Mendes]Where stories live. Discover now