Chapter 15

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We both headed back to bed waking up at a more normal hour. I make myself some coffee and sit on the couch browsing social media, Shawn joins me after a few minutes.

"Morning" I say.

"Morning" he says, he looks pretty tired.

"You look sleepy" I say.

"Yea I couldn't really sleep" he says. I get up and make him a cup of coffee and hand it to him.

"Thanks" he says smiling up at me.

We finish our coffee and eat some breakfast before getting changed.

"Remember we're going to be in the water today" Shawn calls from his room.

"Yea I remembered" I reply, I have my bikini on under my shorts and tshirt. I slide on my sandals before packing a towel and a change of underwear.

I didn't see the point in washing my hair to go to the lake so I put some dry shampoo in it and tie it up. Shawn comes into my room and falls onto my bed.

"I'm so tired" he says staring up at the ceiling.

"Stop being a big grump" I say before climbing up onto the bed and jumping around him, he begins to laugh and tries to grab my ankles but I keep jumping out of his reach, finally he grabs me and I come tumbling down on top of him.

He quickly rolls over pinning me down on my back, he towers overs me and I just stare up at him. He looks at me for a second studying my face, I try to keep my composure before he jumps up grabbing my hand, pulling me to my feet.

"Come on lets get going" he says refusing eye contact and heading out of the room. I stand there for a second dazed by what just happened.

The drive to the lake is about an hour, Shawn lets me be DJ, I play Vance joy most of the way because his songs make me happy. I want to sing along so badly but I'm not a good singer and well Shawn really is.

"Oh Saturday sun I think I met someone out on the west coast" Shawn sings along and I listen as I watch the scenery go by out the window. "Sing with me" he pouts and I shake my head. "Why not?" He asks.

"Because I cant sing and you can, like really well" I say and he smiles.

"Who cares, you don't have to sound good to sing and it's only me that's going to hear it anyway" he says, I smile nervously at him and he shrugs continuing to sing.

I wait and when the next chorus comes up I blast out the lyrics and we both burst out laughing.

"You're actually not that bad" he says giving me a nudge, I roll my eyes and we continue singing.

The lake is amazing, we head out on a boat and some of the guys do water skiing. They then attach a large rubber ring to the boat and the aim is to stay on as long as possible, finally it's my go. I take my shorts and top off and put on one of the life jackets before climbing onto the ring, Shawn jumps on as well.

"What are you doing?" I ask, gripping on as tight as I can.

"First one off looses" he smiles.

"What's the prize" I say sceptically.

"Loser has to jump off that" he says pointing to a high cliff edge, my eyes widen in fear.

The boat takes off and as it's cornering I use the opportunity to slide over trying to push Shawn off but I'm not heavy enough, my arms begin getting tired.

Suddenly we hit a wave caused by a passing boat and it sends the rubber ring into the air and both of us loose grip. I resurface quickly due to my life vest and bob around on the water scanning for Shawn, I see him pop up a few metres away and swim over to him.

"Guess we're both jmuping" I say.

"Yea guess so" he laughs. "Ugh wish I'd got a life vest" he says as we look at the boat that's now in the distance. I let him hold onto my shoulder to make treading the water a little easier, after a couple of minutes the boat comes back and the guys help us in.

We had a few more goes before eating some food, then heading up to the cliff edge where the guys were jumping off.

"I'm really scared" I say to Shawn.

"Come on don't be a chicken about it" he whines.

"Just kidding" I say before running to to the ledge and jumping off. I flip him off as I fall to the waters surface.

He jumps straight in after me, I wait for him to surface.

"Where did that sass come from?" He asks and I smile at him.

"Don't call me a chicken, I'm a pro cliff jumper" I say before swimming over to the rocks to get out.

"Have you don't this before?" He asks pushing his wet hair off his face.

"Yea we do it every summer but into the sea and the water is a lot colder" I say.

"An adrenaline junky and a farmer?" He says in a teasing tone, I roll my eyes and climb back up to the ledge.

"Will you take a photo of me jumping?" I say pointing to my phone that's tucked into my sandal. Shawn grabs it and hands it to travis telling him to take the photo while he goes to get something. I stand and get a photo with the view before taking a few paces back, I get ready to jump when out of no where Shawn scoops me off my feet spinning around to face the camera before throwing me over the edge and jumping after me, I scream as we plummet into the water.

Sorry for the crap quality header pic but I couldn't find a better quality one that looked somewhat accurate lol

Thanks for reading 😊

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