Chapter 22

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The next morning I wake up but Shawns not in bed, I roll over to check my phone, it's 8am.
I get up and shower, taking advantage of Shawns nice shower one last time. I change into shorts and a top because it's going to be a warm day, I slide on a sweater as the apartment is much colder than outdoors.
I find a note in the kitchen 'I'm bringing breakfast, be back around 8:30' with a smiley face.
I head back to my room and grab my book to read whilst I wait, I'm only 4 pages into the chapter when Shawn appears through the door carrying two coffee cups and a bag. I jump up and head to the table, Shawn quickly sets the food down before running off and I hear him turn the shower on. I get the food out and he returns a couple of minutes later in jeans and a tshirt with his hair still wet.
"Sorry I was at the gym" he says planting a kiss on my cheek. "Look I even got your coffee in your reusable cup" he says and I laugh.

"Thank you" I say and we begin eating.

"So what's your plans today?" Shawn asks.

"Well I have to go and leave my rucksack of at the hostel then I'm not sure, maybe see what tours the hostel have on" I say with sadness in my voice.

"When are you flying home?" Shawn asks.

"Early Wednesday morning" I say and Shawn nods. "What time you planning on leaving?"

"Uhm not sure, need to pack some stuff so probably about 10" he says and I look at my watch, '08:52'. "Don't look so sad" Shawn says and I try to smile at him.
We finish up our breakfast and I packed the last of my clothes I washed and fold Shawns for him.

"You didn't have to do that" he says as I lay them on his bed.

"It's the least I could do" I say as he packs some and place the rest into his drawers.

I head to my room and lug my rucksack to the front door and put on my shoes. I head out to the balcony for one last look at the view.

"I'm so jealous you have this view" I say when Shawn joins me leaning on the rail.

"Trust me, I don't get to see it as often as you think" Shawn says.

"Well once tours over you maybe will" I say.

"Yea hopefully" he says smiling, he wraps his arm around me. "I'm going to miss these balcony conversations" he says kissing the top of my head.

"I'm only a text away" I say.

"I know, but then I don't get to see your pretty face" he says pouting at me and I giggle.

We both lift our bags and get into the elevator, the ding of reaching ground floor makes my heart sink.
"This is goodbye I guess" I say as we reach Shawns jeep.

"Do you want a ride to your hostel?" He asks.

"No it's fine, it's a short walk" I say, he looks at me awkwardly. "Thanks again for everything, you made this the best stress free trip" I say.

"Jen I was more than glad to" he says.

"Okay so I better let you get going" I say as get myself ready to leave, not sure if I should kiss him or just leave it at that but before I even have time to overthink it Shawn collides his lips with mine.
I kiss him like, well like I'll never see him again I suppose.

"Couldn't let you leave without a kiss" he winks at me and I smile. "I'm really going to miss you" he says.

"Me too but maybe I'll run into you again someday" I say with a small laugh of disbelief.

"Maybe" he says looking down.

"I'm always here to talk, just send me a text" I say giving him a reassures smile. "And the time difference means I'll be awake on nights you can't sleep" he smiles at me and pulls me in for a hug, I wrap my arms around his neck. "Okay get going your family will be waiting I'm sure" I say kissing him on the cheek before he gets into the jeep.

"Bye Shawn" I say as he starts the ignition.

"Bye Jen" He says before driving off waving as he goes.


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