Chapter 24

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Ounce we land I get off as quick as possible, I grab my rucksack as soon as it appears on the baggage claim conveyor and head straight for the bus. The cool air hits me as I walk out through the exit and luckily I catch a bus that's just about to leave.
I WhatsApp Shawn to tell him I've landed and That I'm headed home and quietly call my dad and tell him what time I'll need lifted from the bus station, I gaze out the window at the passing scenery before falling asleep.

The bus braking as it comes into the station wakes me, my neck is in agony from sleeping in a weird position.
Once the bus stops I spot dad leaning against his pickup jeep and I run over and hug him, he lugs my rucksack into the back of the pickup and we drive home. The house is pretty untidy but not as bad as I thought it'd be with just dad here.
I head straight to my room and empty out my rucksack sorting all the clothes that need washed, I then shower and change into pjs. I walk to the kitchen to make some toast and show dad some of my photos, he suspiciously raises an eyebrow as I quickly swipe past the photo of Shawn sleeping on my shoulder.
Dad heads to bed but I'm not tired, my jet lag now has me wide awake rather than falling asleep. I end up sitting on my bed copying all my photos onto my laptop and editing the ones I like, my phones buzzes beside me.

SM: 'Sorry we were out for the day, glad you're home safe'

I'm not sure whether to reply or just leave it at that, I don't want to be annoying. I decide to leave it for now and continue editing. My phone buzzes again a couple of minutes later.

SM: 'you ignoring me?' I laugh a little.

'oh sorry no lol I just didn't
know what to reply' :JW

SM: 'okay good, what are you up to?'

We text for a little while then I tell Shawn I'm going to try and sleep since it's almost 2am here. I lay in bed tossing and turning for a while but eventually I drift off.
I wake the next morning and see Shawns uploaded a photo to Instagram. I immediately start smiling when I see it's a photo of me, leaning against the balcony railing that he's taken from inside the apartment. Luckily the sheer curtain over the glass door makes it very hard to see any specific details that would indicate its me. The caption reads 'morning looks good on you'. I smile before liking to the photo.

Thursday consists of washing clothes, going go see Granny and walking the dog. Back to my boring life I guess.
I wake up to my phone buzzing on Friday morning.

Alice: 'I'm out of work at 7 and then I will come join you guys' I read with my eyes still half closed.

Clara: 'mum and dad are leaving soon to celebrate their anniversary and they won't be home until tomorrow night'

Alice: 'so does that mean a sleepover?'

Clara: 'yes and jakes house is only walking distance so Jen you don't have to be designated driver for once' I now realise that tonight is Jake Thompson's 21st birthday house party.

Lucy: 'I'm so excited to partttyyyy and Jen you have to tell us all about Canada'
I take a deep breath, how am I going to tell them I spent it staying in Shawn Mendes apartment.
That evening I gather my things and head to Clara's house, her house is in the rich suburbs and she's extremely spoiled by her rich parents but she's not some stuck up snob like you'd expect.
We all sit along Claras make up bench and do our makeup together.

"What are you guys wearing?" I ask.

"I'm thinking a skirt with that lacy top" Lucy says gesturing to the outfit laid on the bed.

"Yea I'm thinking skirt and a top too" Lucy says as she carefully applied her mascara.
Alice arrives still in her work uniform and begins to get ready. I change into some black skinny jeans and a burgundy coloured simple bodysuit. I head down stares to get a drink and meet Lucy in the kitchen.

"Damn Jen, hope Will sees you in that outfit" Lucy says and I laugh, I hadn't even thought about seeing Will tonight. "So who was that guy you were watching the sunset with the other night" I look at her confused "I could see both your feet in you Instagram story" she explains, I'm so busted.

I stand there for a second playing dumb and then decide to bite the bullet and just say it "Shawn Mendes" I say and Lucy bursts out laughing.

"Yea right" she says, I laugh along awkwardly.

"Did you get a new tattoo" Clara asks looking at my arm as she enters the room.

"Oh yea I got it in Canada" I say and they come over to look, Lucy forgets about the whole Shawn Mendes thing and we start discussing tattoos we want, I sigh in relief. I don't blame her for not believing me, I wouldn't either.

Once we are all ready we walk over to the party which is in another huge house much like Clara's only with lots of people inside, hopefully meaning I would have a very low chance of running into Will.
We all grab drinks, I decide to have one since I'm not driving and I don't mind drinking I just don't like getting crazy drunk.
We play a few drinking games with some people I recognise from high school and some strangers.

"Let's play never have I ever" a girl suggests from the other side of the circle. She spins a empty beer bottle and it lands on a guy I don't know.

"Okay never have I ever been arrested" he says and a few people drink, some I'm shocked at.

After a few rounds it lands on Alice "never have I ever kissed anyone famous" oh come on what are the chances she's pick that I think as I take a deep breath before drinking from my cup. The girls look at me confused as they know I've only kissed two people in my life but they don't have time to ask before the next person takes their turn.
Once the game is over I quickly get up and excuse myself to go get a drink just to avoid any questions about the famous person I've kissed, as I head towards the kitchen I spot a familiar face. "Grace!" I shout running over and hugging her, "I didn't think your flight got in until much later".

"Dad told me you guys were all here" she says as I release her from the hug, We head in and meet the others on the dance floor which was just a huge living room with all the furniture pushed against the walls.
We dance until my feet grow sore and I tell the girls I'll be back after I go to the bathroom. I head upstairs and stand behind some other girls waiting and scroll through Instagram while waiting when I hear Drew and shiver runs down my spine. He's this super creepy guy who was a year above me at school, usually he never bothered me because I was with Will. I look around and see him heading my way so I quickly walk down the corridor and slip into the next room closing the door quickly and leaning against it.
I hear scuffling and I squint as the room is dimly lit, suddenly realising I've just walked in on a guy and girl making out "oh my god I'm so sorr-" I stop when I discover who it is. "What the" I say as Will stares back at me with a guilty expression, Hayley quickly slides off his lap.


It's been a while since I uploaded because it was finals week and I had so many assignments to hand in, but should have more time to write over Christmas break!
Thanks for reading and voting x

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