Chapter 41

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I swipe my key fob over the sensor unlocking the door and head inside, I remove my coat and tossmy bag under my desk before quickly making my way to the board room. I take a seat beside Charlotte and join the conversation she's having with Michael, another graduate, trying to make conversation with him is like drawing blood from a stone, he's quiet and shows very little emotion or interest. So it quickly becomes a conversation between Charlotte and I, I'm not sure if Michael is even still listening.

Nick, our boss stands up checking his watch "Okay we'll make a start. Good morning everyone, I've called everyone here to tell you about an exciting job opportunity that's arisen for two of you" he uses a remote to turn on a power point presentation and a slide pops up, it displays a very extravagant looking building. Nick continues "This is a brand new 30 storey hotel that is being built in a city that I am not going to disclose just yet, I want people to apply for this job who are genuine about living away from home and not just going because they want to see the city. This is a rare opportunity as we have an office in this city but they are lacking in environmental engineers, the project has an estimated design and construction period of 18months so this isn't just a short trip" Charlotte and I look at each other with a shared expression of excitement. This is my ticket out of this shitty graduate job. "Okay so I'll be taking people for interviews from tomorrow, if you're interested please wait behind" Nick smiles before spinning a chair around and sitting to face us.
People start to file out of the room leaving eight people still sitting, mostly young graduates who like me, really want a promotion.
"Ah yes, I expected to see all you young ones, still young and free enough to drop everything and move to another country" he says. "Okay I'll send out the brief of the building project for you to look over and I'll call you in one by one tomorrow, don't worry it's nothing too intense" and with that he gets up and leaves.

"I'm so curious to know where it is" I say.

"Well I've got the list of all the international offices" Charlotte says showing me her phone.

"Imagine it was Melbourne or Abu Dhabi!" I say in excitement.

"I'm hoping for New York" she says.
As soon as I get home I begin reading all about the building, it's an incredibly fancy hotel that is attached to an arena so I'm guessing it's implied for celebrities and performers. I phone dad and tell him about it and he strongly encourages me to try and get the job.
The next day I wait patiently for Nick to call me to his office.

"Jenny" he smiles as I enter. "Have a seat" I sit down nervously. "Okay so I was looking over your work since you've been here and your qualifications, you're a strong candidate I'll tell you that"

"Thanks" I smile.

"Not many graduates do your job with so much enthusiasm, I know graduate jobs aren't always what you'd expect" he says and I smile politely. "So tell me why you want this job"

"Well I'm really eager to get into some practical work, designing and seeing the physical construction of my design. I feel that over these past few months I've really shown what I can do and that I'm ready to move onto the next stage of my career. I also love travelling to new places and have no issue with being away from home for long periods of time"

"Thanks for your time Jenny, I'll call a meeting later to discuss who will be chosen" I stand and shake his hand thanking him before going back to my desk. I feel a little worried about how short the interview was but I guess Nick has known all of us for months now, he probably has had a fair idea of who's he's going to pick even before the interviews.
I spend the rest of the day trying to focus on work but it's really difficult when a promotion is so close to being mine. An email pops up telling us all to meet in the hard room.

"You all are very suitable for this job so it was difficult to decide but the two people I have chosen are Jenny and Michael" I look over at Charlotte who looks really disappointed and I feel a tinge of sadness. "Congrats, you're heading to Canada" Nick says and my expression completely changes to shock, don't freak out it mightn't be Toronto.

"What city?" I ask quickly and Charlotte looks at me concerned.

"Toronto of course" Nick says and my heart sinks. of course its Toronto you idiot.

"But we don't have an office in Toronto?" Charlotte says.

Nick chuckles "we do now, I was throwing you off the scent when I said that because the Toronto office is opening after Christmas, hence the lack of environmental engineers" Nick says before he walks over to Michael and I. "Come with me" so we follow to his office. I have only spoken to Michael a couple of times, he's two years older than me and not overly sociable. We take a seat and Nick takes a deep breath "Okay so you will be leaving in February, the company will pay for 6 return flights during your 18months that you can use whenever you like, we will place you in accommodation that will be separate living areas with a communal kitchen and dining area" Nick says before looking at his computer. "Jenny are you Okay? Having second thoughts?" Nick asks looking at my concerned.

"Oh no" I say quickly "just thinking" with a small laugh to try and emphasis how totally okay I am, and definitely not on the verge of hyperventilation. Nick explains some more details about the projects and congratulates use again before we head back to our desks.

"I'm so happy for you" Charlotte says coming over to hug me.

"Thanks, I just wish you were coming with me" I say.

"Yea Micheal doesn't seem like much fun" she says and we both look over at him already back to work at his desk. "So what's the deal with you and Toronto?" Charlotte asks.

"What? Nothing" I say quickly and she raises her eyebrow at me. "Fine, I met some guy when I was out there a couple of summers ago and I'm just a little worried about running into him again"

"It's a big city I'm sure you won't" she says.

"Yea probably not" I say with a sigh. truth is, I would love nothing more than to run into him.


Thank you for all the lovely comments recently!! Idk if I should reply or what to reply lol but just know that I appreciate them! 🥰

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