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Staring at the the sick king that laying on his bed..

Well its been 6 months he laying on the bed...

He cant even walk...

His wife died a few months ago... since that incident.. he became week.. lost appetite to eat and end up sick...

His son is the only property that he had beside his Kingdom.

"Son... remember what i said... whatever happen.. please dont forget that you must protect our kingdom."

"Yes, dad. I will always keep on that mind."

"You better be, son.. i dont have much time left."

"Dad.. dont say that. I promise i will find the best medical doctor to cure your sickness."

"Son.. just please protect our kingdom.. you are the only my son.. you gonna be the gonna replace me when i'm go- ughhh."

"Dad.. you okay?" He panic when he saw his father clutch his shirt tight.

"Somebody call the doctor!" He yelled.

"Nn—nno nn—nee—need son.. i always love you, son.."

With that his father breath the last breath... his hand dropped from his son's hold. His eyes closed..

"Dad.. NOOOO!!!!"

"My dear daughter.."

"Yes, appa.."

"You wanna know a good news?"

"What is it appa?" The long hair girl sat beside his father .. she became excited to know what the good news that her father gonna tell her.

"This is the best time for us to seize the throne of Goguryeo Kingdom."

"Why you said so appa? You knew right? Koguryo and Baekje are two of the strongest kingdoms, especially Goguryeo, who can always repel attacks from the Chinese dynasties. How can we do that?"

The man chuckled seeing how clever is her daughter. Well why not.. his daughter inherited the intelligence of his late wife.. staring at her daughter could remind him of his lovely wife.

"Appa.. did you hear me?" She whined like a kid.

Even tho she is a teenager girl... but she always looked like a cute kid for him..

"I heard you, sweetie..." the man smiled while pat his daughter's head before continue what he gonna said. "their Kingdom's leader died. I bet his son doesnt know how to lead. So this is the best time for us to defeat them."

"Jinjja? How we gonna do that?"

"I already made plan for you."

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