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Its been 3 months..

3 months of her burial..

I miss her so bad..

Her angelic voice..

Her stare..

Her chubby cheeks..

Her face..

Her touch..

Her kiss..

All of her .. i miss so bad..

Im truly love her..

Why must i lost all the people that i love in the short term?

Am i not deserved to be loved or love anyone?

Why not i just die ? Why that liquid didnt make me die?

I sigh again..

"Because your kingdom need you, Captain Lee Y/N.. thats why you still alive.." someone distract my thought.. completely answering my question.

I looked at the figure that entering my room.

Lieutenant Chang Bin stood with his uniform. Salute me. I salute him back.

"I'm sorry for what happened, sir. I know its tough for you. But you are strong."

My lips curved into smile..as i gain my strong back from his words. "Its okay Lieutenant . I have to.."

I decided to walk around the kingdom.

As a leader of kingdom.. i think i should supervised what really happen in this kingdom with this pair of eyes..

Supposed to be.. i brought my soldiers to escort me.. but i just let them take a break to escort me. I feel like wanna move alone..

So i walked around along the places.. i smiled to myself..
I feel grateful cause we still live in peace..

I dropped by mArket.

Seeing how people survive by selling a wide variety of goods including fruit, vegetables, meat, fish, breads, clothing, textiles, handicrafts, and Korean traditional medicinal items..

I walked again..

My foot suddenly stopped from walking once the scent of roses lingering on my nose.. it reminds me of Rosie.. the girl that i love..

I lessen my feet's weight to move to the direction that i smell just now.

Somehow i feel excited as I approaching the direction..

More closer i am.. more excited i am..

My smiles grew wider when i saw a creature bending down sniffing the flower.. while humming the song.

This angelic voice.. this unique voice literally remind me of her..

I gain my courage to stepped inside the flower shop.

I gain my courage to stepped inside the flower shop

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[COMPLETED] Roses are Rosie .. | Rosé X Male Reader--Blackpink fanficWhere stories live. Discover now