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"Doctor.. is he going to be okay?"

"Please dont lose hope. Keep on praying for the best okay."

"Arasso.. thank you, doctor.."

As she said that.. they saw his finger move a bit.

"Doctor.. did you see that?"


The doctor check his heart rate . "Can you please excuse us, maam. We are going to check him for a while."

The middle age woman nodded and left the room immediately.

He opened his eyes slowly..

Blinking repeatedly..

Looking at his surrounding.

Staring at the white ceiling and back to the guy that wear labcoat.

"Who are you? And where am I?"

"I am your doctor. Seo Kang Joon.. and you are at hospital right now."

He tried to sit up on his own but he failed to do so as he felt pain on his shoulder.

"Arghhh!" He groaned in pain.

"Slow down Mr. Lee.." the doctor helped him to sit up.. putting the pillow behind his back to support him leaning on it.

This situation hit on him.. his head became pain out of sudden and he groaned in pain again. "Arghhhhh!"

"Mr Lee what happen? Calm down..take your deep breath.."

He did what the doctor said..

"Miss Kang?"

"Yes, doctor?"

"Help me to call his mother."

Mother? She still alive?

"Arasso, doctor.."

"Omo Lee Y/N.. you awake?" His mother ran to him and hugged him tight. Her tears falling as she felt grateful he awake right now.

"Mom?" "You alive?" He pulled her back into hug again.

"I miss you mom.." he cried.

"I miss you too y/ afraid im going to lose you..thank god ..he heard my pray."

He remembered something..

He pulled away from the hug and stare at his mom.


"Yes, y/n?"

"Where is Rosie? She is fine right?"

His mom exchanged glance with the doctor.

The doctor shake his head lightly.

Somethings not right.

"Mr. Lee.. what is the last thing you remembered?"

He scrunched his face..

Trying to recall whats on his mind.

"Take your time Mr. Lee. Dont push to hard."

"The last thing i remembered was.. i drank a magic liquid cause i believe i will go the new environment. I didnt care bout the consequences as long as i could be with Rosie. She just died on that time."

"Doctor, is he suffer anme-"

The doctor  raised his hand to Mrs Lee as stop signal to let y/n continue what he gonna said.

"Do you know what year is it right now?"

"We still live in Goguryeo Kingdom right?"

Mrs Lee's eyes widened once she heard that.

"Okay take a big rest, Lee Y/N..let me know if you remembered anything again."

"Maam.. follow me."

"Maam.. i could tell that.. your son.. had amnesia.. he didnt even remember what make him laying on the bed for 6 months."

The woman cried..

"Is there any chance for him to heal completely?"

"If god wills it.. no one can stop god's willing.." the doctor assure the woman.

"And who is Rosie? He never say that name before."


He looked at a vase beside him..

Red roses..

He took the roses...

Align it to his nose..

Sniffing the scent..

"Its good.. i wonder where are you? I hope you didnt die."

"Roses are rosie.. the thorns could even hurt my finger.. but it never stopped me to pluck it and sniff on it.. just like you rosie.. your act is cold.. your harsh words could hurt my heart.. but i never stopped myself to love you.." He said as he kept on sniffing the roses on his hand.

"Are you okay?"

"I guess so.."

"You know what.. you should stop bitting your nails.."

"How can i be calm? I still have that trauma. You know. I'm almost die.. and the fact that i have to accept that.. i cant even pay visit for someone that save me on that day."

"Heyy.. look at me.."  "its been six months.. its fucking six months.. you have to focus on your career anyway. I'm sure he's gonna be okay. Arasso?"

She nodded.. "arasso.."

[COMPLETED] Roses are Rosie .. | Rosé X Male Reader--Blackpink fanficWhere stories live. Discover now