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"Hey Rosie.. do you need anything?" 


The only friend..

My best friend...

Changbin.. barged to the room make Rosie back away from me.. she Sitting back on the chair beside my bed.

She looked on his lap..

Clearing her throat.

"No, thanks. I—i wanna go to washroom. Excuse me." She get up and exit the room.

I hold myself from killing my bestfriend right now.

"Buddy you awake!"

He open his arm and walk to me.

I just fake grinning to him.

When he was about to pull me into hug..

"Ouch! Whats that for." He rubbed his back of his head that i smacked just now.

"Now you know what it feels when you get smacked on your head. And thats for ruining the moment."

"Lee Y/N.. you should thanks to me. Otherwise the hospital staffs will caught you guys naked." He smirk.

"Aishh jinjja."

I smack him again.

"Ouch! I'm your bestfriend remember that!" He winced in pain.

"Thank god. If not in gonna really kill you just now." I spat back.

Chang Bin And I are on our way to lodge the report. Rosie begged me to let her come with us. But i think its the best for her just to stay at the YG Building.

"Annyeong. You must be Lee Y/N right?" The officer offer his hand and i accept it and shake hand with him.

"Yes. I am." I said with small nod.

"Its a pleasure to meet you in person. Have a sit."

So i told the officer bout the scene..everything.

"Too bad, Mr Lee. We already checked the CCTV all over the venue. But there were no suspicious things. Dont get me wrong. Yes i believed what did you say.. but you know we need prove."

What should we do right now?


I have another way.

Author's POV

stepping hard ..

Accelerating his car.

Earning scared from his friend.

[COMPLETED] Roses are Rosie .. | Rosé X Male Reader--Blackpink fanficWhere stories live. Discover now