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"Go and get both of them."

Y/N cant even blink his eyes... he didnt move any muscle..

"Dont touch me!" Hearing her scream he punch one of the soldier that tried to touch her.

Another soldier approach them.. slowly he back away with her at his back..

"Dont come nearer.." he warned.

The soldier stop moving.

"Why you stopped? GET THEM!" Captain Park yelled.

The soldier approached them.

She backhug him tight.. cause she believe only him
That can assure her that everythings okay.

He smirked ..

He lift his free hand touching a secret button that only he knew bout that.

Made both of them disappear from their sight.

"Fuck! Where they gone?"

"I'm sorry, captain. I think we should leave them alone. Cause she wont give any harm to our kingdoms right?"

"Yeah yeah.." "you come here." He gestured his hand to make the coperal walk forward to him.

The coperal obeyed him..

Captain Park take out his gun ..

Pull the trigger and


The coperal fall and laying with lifeless on the floor.

"Now tell me soldiers! Who wanna be like him?"

The rest kept their mouth shut. Captain Park is not a joke. He is the most strict King. They rather choose to keep quiet and do what him asked to do than complain anything even tho the king is wrong.

"Good then. Seems like you guys are good soldiers."

"I don't care how you gonna do. Catch both of them. Bring them to me. They deserved to being killed by my hand."

"Y/N.. Y/N.." they slow down their move as he felt her hand loosen from his hold.

"Uh? Rosie? Are you okay?"

She panted heavily.. she hold her chest.. she shake her head.

He scoop her .. carry her bridal style and walk slowly ..

[COMPLETED] Roses are Rosie .. | Rosé X Male Reader--Blackpink fanficWhere stories live. Discover now