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Author's POV

Knock knock knock

"Sweetie! Go and get it. I'm fixing something."

"Arasso.." she said while tying her hair.

Get off from her bed.. she exit her bedroom..

Make her way to the main door..

She clear her throat before opened the door.


Her smile faded as she saw a guess that she never wish to see again.

"You look happy, Rosie.." he take her hand and kiss on her back of her hand.

" looked more like a chipmunk with hair tied." He chuckled.

"Can you just leave me alone?" She scoffed.

"Auchhh the thorn hurt me again." He dramatically said as he clutch his suit right on his chest area.

"Woahh.. poor you, Lee Y/N.." she said with her puppy eyes.

At first he could buy that kind of reaction..

"Now get lost." She was about to close the door but he was too strong to stop her from doing that.

"Who's that sweetie?"

"Go back home before my father see you." She whispered.

He just shrugged his shoulder.

"You know.. i was supposed to go to charity home to work today."

"I knew."

"Then why you push me to come with you."

"Well . I am a king. I can do everything." He smirked. Putting his hands on his pocket.

"You cant do anything that you want."

"Well like i said. I can."

"Tell me a reason that acceptable."

"Seriously you wanna know?" He said as he stopped his track and turn his body to face her.

"Yeah." She simply answered.

"Cause i like you, Roseanne Park." He said with smiling.

The surroundings is covered with silence..

Only the blow of wind could be feel.. as it blow to her hair make her hair wavy hair look more gorgeous on her.

They just stare each other.. facing each other..


She can say she hates him..

But we knew that..

Heart never lies to you..

"And why me?" She broke the silence.

He walked forward.. to her..

He stopped literally a few meters in front of her..

"Cause you are Roseanne Park.. Roses are Rosie.. you are the beautiful rose.. that have nice scent that lingering on my nose.. even tho roses have its thorns that could hurt me whenever i'm trying to touch it and pluck it..." he paused at the moment as he put the strand of her hair behind her ear.

[COMPLETED] Roses are Rosie .. | Rosé X Male Reader--Blackpink fanficWhere stories live. Discover now