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"Hey buddy.."

"Yo whats up?"

"I think i found something."

"What is it?" "You hacking again? I swear you gonna be sue."

"Shh.. can you please slow down your voice?"

"Arasso.. what do you want to tell me?"

"You know.. i'm currently testing my hacking ski-"

"Yeah i know like usual.."

"Can you please let me finish what im gonna say?"

"Okay sorry. Carry on."

"Okay.. the thing is i managed to hack a CCTV..look at this."

"Oh man.. this is not good."

"I gotta go."

"Hey wait!"


"Y/N, Y/N.. are you okay?" His mom wide awake when she heard him screaming.

She dont hesitate to press the bell emergency button to call the doctor.

The doctor came with a nurse behind him.

"Doctor doctor what happen to him? He screaming out of sudden." She said in panic.

"Can you please leave us alone for a while maam?" "We need to check on him."

The woman nodded and leave them alone.

The woman quickly walk to the doctor once she saw the doctor came out from the room.

"What happen to my son, doctor?"

"Maybe the effect of concussion attacked him just now.. we could say that something flashed on his mind and that hit him."

"He is gonna be okay right, doctor?"

"Dont lose hope. Keep on praying ya.. the last memory might came to him slowly.. thats one of the process how amnesia cure. But.. dont push him cause it will make him worst."

"How dare you cheated on me huh! I spare my free time for you.. you are the only one.. how could you do this to me?" She continue said is as she kept pounding on his chest repeatedly.

"Baby.. calm down please.." he tried to calm her down.

She stopped hitting him.


She slapped him."

Thats how it looks like when i calm down."

She wiped her tears.. took her stuffs and storm out from the room.

She entered the elevator.. pressing the basement floor.. she cried her eyes out.. "how could he do that to me?"


The elevator opened..

She stepped out from the elevator.. walk faster to her car.. unlock the car.. opened the door.. get in the car.. slamming hard the door.

She resting her head on the steering wheel.




Thats what she felt ..

The love that she gave towards him.. just useless..

She could stay focused on her career and on him on the same time.. but this is how she get..

She started to drive.. heading out from the basement park..

She still crying .. not even care her makeup getting ruined by her tears..

Her heart ache..

So fucking hurt..

She kept on driving..

Until the traffic lights turn to red..

She stepped hard on the brake..

But its not work..

She just closed her eyes.

"Just let me die.."

"Rosé, Rosé! Wake up wake up!" "Oh gosh what happen to you?" "Jisoo, Lisa ! come here!"

Footsteps running could be heard approaching the room.

"Whats the matter Jennie?"

"Rosé.. sweating too much.. she must be dreaming again."

Lisa ran to the bathroom..

She came back with a bottle of water on her hand..

She pour it slowly on her palm..

She splashed a bit water on her face..

Her eyes wide opened and slightly get up from her bed hugging Jennie.

"Shhh.. its okay. We are here." Jennie rubbed her back as she cried on her shoulder.

"Its just a dream, Rosé.."

"No, its not." She sternly said as she pulled away from the hug. Wiping her tears.

"It is my old memory before that accident happened." She said with tears rolling down to her cheeks..

"How are you today, honey?"

"I'm fine mom.." he smiled. "I just hate laying on the bed." He chuckled.

"Well.. stay strong ya. You will discharged soon." The woman assure with.. caressing his hair..

Knock knock knock

Their attention is moved by the knock.

"Come in." The woman said..

"Annyeong, Mrs Lee.." the visitor bow to her.

"Hey dude!"

He furrow his eyebrows.. examining the guy's look.

"Do you remember me, y/n?"

"You are..."

"You are.."

[COMPLETED] Roses are Rosie .. | Rosé X Male Reader--Blackpink fanficWhere stories live. Discover now